Doctor Who

The Late Show’s Doctor Who parody

I was looking for something else on Youtube, and as sometimes happens, got distracted by this instead: a Doctor Who parody from The (D-Gen) Late Show from 1993. For those who don’t follow such things, the real Brigadier, Nicholas Courtney, passed away last week.

Doctor Who

How old for Doctor Who?

My old high school mate Konrad asked (a little while back now): How old were your boys when you introduced them to Dr Who and do you think it was the right age? I ask as I’m wondering how old my daughter will have to be before I can introduce her to him. I think  ... [More]

Doctor Who

Doctor Who 2010

So, Doctor Who for 2010 (except the Christmas episode) has finished. I reserved judgement of the new crew (both the cast and the new producers/writers) until their episodes aired. They didn’t disappoint. [Spoilers below for those of you who have not seen the end of the 2010 series yet.] The Eleventh Hour — a nice  ... [More]

Doctor Who TV

Almost sci-fi pictures

There was a bloke on the train covering his eyes. A picture of him could be captioned: Don’t blink! But it would be wrong to publish such a photo without his permission. Instead I give you this, found in a street in Footscray. Let’s hope it’s bigger on the inside. And it was nice to  ... [More]

Clothes Doctor Who

Doctor Who goes mainstream

You know a TV show has gone mainstream when you see a t-shirt for it in the window of Target (as well as having its DVDs advertised on phone boxes).

Doctor Who Memes rule, pass it on

Doctor Who birthdate game

Just a game I thought of: what Doctor Who episode aired on or closest to your birthday? Check this list to find out. (I guess those born before 1963 or in the 90s will probably gravitate to one of two episodes…) Me: Inferno, episode 7 (third Doctor, 1970). This was a classic slow burn story  ... [More]

Doctor Who Friends and loved ones Video games

Brief things

Haven’t blogged for a bit, so here’s a brief catch-up. I helped Tony and Rae and family move last week. The inevitable comment that pops up when geeks move house: packing the moving van is like Tetris. Of course, when you get a full row of boxes, they don’t disappear and make more space… The  ... [More]

Doctor Who

Regeneration coming

10th Doctor David Tennant is moving on after the 2009 special episodes. I wonder Who’s next? Anybody want to speculate? (via Tony) Oh dear. Maybe he’ll never meet River Song after all? PS. Video of DT talking about it … and his live announcement to fans.

Doctor Who

Doctor Who 2008

I enjoyed this season. I know I’ve loved the show for decades, but they do seem to keep coming up with new, clever stuff. Voyage of the Damned: A little over-long and plodding in places. I suppose it was a Christmas episode. Partners in Crime: Got the shock of my life at the end when  ... [More]

Consumerism Doctor Who

That show

That cult show, the one I’ve liked for 30+ years. I think it’s really gone mainstream. Nice touch the ads being on phone booths, too. Not quite as well done as the Get Smart ones though.

Doctor Who

Stephen Fry, on the Doctor

The week before we moved, the BBC started a new drama, starring William Hartnell. An old man, whose name appeared to be Grandfather or the Doctor, had a police phone box of the kind we saw in the street all the time in those days. It turned out to be a magical and unimaginably wonderful  ... [More]

Doctor Who

Are you my mummy?

Doctor Who fans, rejoice. Acclaimed writer Steven Moffat, who wrote some of the most memorable (and Hugo-award-winning) recent stories such as Blink and The Empty Child, has been appointed the next Lead Writer and Executive Producer of the show, taking over from sometimes-loved, sometimes-loathed Russell T Davies. “My entire career has been a Secret Plan  ... [More]