Doctor Who

Doctor Who 2008

I enjoyed this season. I know I’ve loved the show for decades, but they do seem to keep coming up with new, clever stuff. Voyage of the Damned: A little over-long and plodding in places. I suppose it was a Christmas episode. Partners in Crime: Got the shock of my life at the end when  ... [More]

Culture PTUA

I’m not really a philistine

Sigh. In retrospect I probably should have shut my big mouth rather than comment on the upgrade to Hamer Hall. UNIONS and community groups have slammed a State Government plan to spend $129 million on an Arts Centre facelift. “Patrons of Hamer Hall are lucky they’re not seeing performances in the same conditions that public  ... [More]

Culture transport

Matthew Flinders

The Age today has a give-away poster of the Art Deco exhibit Spirit of Progress ‘Matthew Flinders’ picture. It’s not quite as massive as the poster on the side of the gallery. Hmm, that’d make a great framed print for my house. Err, slightly smaller that is. Not sure where I’d put it though.

Culture Melbourne

Daniel’s art deco exhibition

I went to see the Art Deco exhibition at NGV International last Friday night. I would have gladly paid, but happily went when invited as part of a corporate thing, which was great, as there were no crowds. I’ve long liked art deco, and there’s some terrific pieces, highlighting that the style influenced not only  ... [More]


Globalised fashion

How is it that the suit and tie is almost global? With the exception of military leaders and some of those guys in the South Pacific who wear skirts, just about every male politician from every country in the world wears one, for instance, and they all look almost identical. As it happens, I need  ... [More]


Civil rights themes

Judging from the reviews, Salute looks like a good film. I was pondering if it might be educational to my kids, when I noticed the rating. PG. For “Civil rights themes”. Hmm. Can’t say I’ve spotted that particular classification before. It almost sounds like more of a recommendation than a warning. (The trailer is here.)



iTunes has changed the way I buy music, at least to a certain extent. I’m still buying the odd CD, but if I know I want just one particular song, I’m buying just that. For $1.69, you can’t go wrong, can you? (Though given in the US the price is US$0.99, and the exchange rate  ... [More]

Clothes Consumerism

Retail win

Dropped through Myer last Sunday (last day of their stocktake sale) to see if they had any nice work shirts or ties on special. I hate clothes shopping, but discounts numb the pain. Saw a shirt I thought looked all right. Special price: $29.95. Pelaco, okay brand. Take to counter. Extra super discount: rings up  ... [More]

Consumerism Doctor Who

That show

That cult show, the one I’ve liked for 30+ years. I think it’s really gone mainstream. Nice touch the ads being on phone booths, too. Not quite as well done as the Get Smart ones though.


The last Tintin

We all did stupid things when we were young. I’m ashamed to admit that one of the sillier things I did in my teenage years was to dispose of my Tintin books. After a while I realised my mistake, and started collecting them again, book by book. (I decided I preferred the full-size versions, not  ... [More]

Film Melbourne Morons on the road

Friday fotos

Another top class bit of parking. Okay, so it doesn’t appear to actually say “No parking”, but it’s not hard to imagine what the intent was. I haven’t seen the Get Smart movie yet, but I’m quite amused by these telephone box adverts for it. In Rippon Street, they’re apparently very proud of that beautification  ... [More]

Doctor Who

Stephen Fry, on the Doctor

The week before we moved, the BBC started a new drama, starring William Hartnell. An old man, whose name appeared to be Grandfather or the Doctor, had a police phone box of the kind we saw in the street all the time in those days. It turned out to be a magical and unimaginably wonderful  ... [More]