Hobart 2006

Market and the lockup

(Post backdated to the day it happened. Posted Tue 10 Oct 2006.) When it comes to hotel accomodation: there’s a few different variants. First is your budget place: backpackers and so on. Ugly, perhaps not comfortable, often pretty bare, but cheap. Then there’s your corporate hotels: often ugly, but comfortable and functional. Soemtimes quite expensive.  ... [More]

Hobart 2006

When I get down to Hobart Town

(Post backdated to the day it happened. Posted Sun 8 Oct 2006.) I thought Jetstar liked me, when the lady at check-in suggested I not check-in my bag. It was light enough, she said, that I could carry it with me on the plane, provided it didn’t have any sharp objects in it — which  ... [More]

Hobart 2006

Off to Hobart

I’m off to Hobart today, for the weekend. The first thing people have asked me when I mention it? “Are you hiring a car?” — as if Hobart is so horrible that as soon as we’ve arrived, we have to escape it. Maybe it’s just that Hobart is small. That’s the verdict from the advance  ... [More]

Home life

Mouse in the garden

Spotted yesterday morning in the garden: this mouse, quite possibly the same one that visited my fireplace a few weeks ago (or perhaps a relative). Initially it appeared to be asleep, eyes closed. I wondered if it might be dead. But it appeared just to be enjoying the morning sunlight. Then it awoke and scurried  ... [More]


Blog back

The great thing about having a long-running blog is I can type almost any word into “Search the diary” box over on the right hand margin, and find posts about it, sparking memories aplenty — sometimes even memories that are amusing or thought-provoking. Some enjoyable posts I re-discovered yesterday: 28 Dec 2004: What’s changed (Since  ... [More]

driving Morons on the road

Road smug

I don’t suffer from road rage (not travelling by car in times of heavy traffic when I’m in a hurry helps a lot). If anything, I suffer from road smugness. I don’t shout at idiots on the road. Instead I make smart-arse remarks, to myself or to others in the car. “Yeah, well done mate.”  ... [More]


Just another brick in the wall

From Rod and Christine’s place, near Trentham.


PTUA turns 30

News and events Retrospectives

Top fear

A survey says Australian children’s top fears are car accidents, bombs, burglars and terrorists. Some of us were talking on Saturday night about our fears when we were growing up in the early 80s. For many it was the fear of nuclear war. I remember lying awake at night thinking about it. Glad I was  ... [More]


European holiday

My camera’s gone on holiday. At the moment it’s flying to Europe via Singapore, for some time in England, Ireland and Italy. Just for a fortnight or so. Alas I’m not going with it. I lent it to Justine, whose camera has mysteriously disappeared. So if you’re travelling in Europe in the next couple of  ... [More]

music TV

Rick Turk’s greatest hits

Occasionally on a Saturday night just before seven, I’ll be slumped in front of the telly, flicking from SBS over to the ABC to keep up my quota of TV news (which is somewhat lacking during the week). I’ll see the end of Gardening Australia, and ponder its tiddily-pom blandly inoffensive music, which conveys pretty  ... [More]

books Geek

The Long Tail

The Long Tail, by Chris Anderson — Technology has made it cheaper to produce and store and sell many things. So niché products that never would have been viable before are now big business. That’s the premise. If that’s all you want to know, you don’t really need to read this book. At a pinch,  ... [More]