Ah yes, Microsoft Office 2000, the most powerful, most user-friendly yet… So there I am, re-installing Frontpage 2000, and it wants a qualifying upgrade product. Fair enough, and it probably won’t settle for selecting itself, like Office 97 did. So I reach for my old FP98 CD, and bung it in the other CD drive. ... [More]
Send ’em back
Got an e-mail from an irate Net user who came across my diary pages and was outraged that my opinions are headlined as "Diary of an Average Australian". Apparently only people the only people with the right to call themselves Australian are those who believe all the immigrants (oh, only the recent ones – eg ... [More]
On Wednesday, driving to a client site (aka a mate of a mate who wanted a program debugged), I encountered what in TCWF‘s younger days was called a Moron Of The Week. A little old lady, obviously not fully grasping the whole concept of footpath versus road, had decided to cross (on foot) a roundabout ... [More]
I got the slippers. Of course, since they don’t have any holes (well, okay, just one hole, where I put my foot in), they feel almost too warm. It’s been a few weeks since the new City Link toll road opened – without tolls until the government’s sure they’ve won the election, of course (ooh, ... [More]
My birthday is next Friday, and this year I’ve found it necessary to ask for a new pair of slippers. All of us in my family let each other know what we’d like – because we know how hopeless we all are at buying things for each other. It’s not that I’ve asked for slippers ... [More]
Today when I went to work, the work I went to was in a different spot from the work I went to on Friday. That is to say, the esteemed company I work for has moved offices. Not very far – in fact, such a short distance that you have to wonder why they bothered: ... [More]
Noted outside Glen Huntly tram depot: A ragged, tattered, torn, bedraggled flag, proclaiming "A quality endorsed company".
The spring holiday plans almost got unstuck last week, when it became apparent that having left it until only a few weeks before departure without booking the tickets was a pretty stupid idea. Fact is, any school holidays you’d care to mention, some flights get booked solid. And when I waltzed into Flight Centre in ... [More]
We spent some of the weekend down at Phillip Island. Why? Well, to get out of the city, see some countryside, watch the famous penguins waddle up the beach, that sort of thing. Also as a practice run for being away from home with the kids – we’ve got a three week family trip to ... [More]
Rumour has it that "Alexei", our bloated noisy smoky neighbour (but with a heart of gold), the guy who once broke his toilet, has got married and moved out. That explains why his beaten up old brown car isn’t in the driveway anymore. I wonder if he’s found himself another of those Internet brides. I ... [More]
Shit shit shit shit shit! Thanks to me filling in my tipping form incorrectly, the cleaner has caught up with me to hold equal first place! Damn. Never mind. Hands up who remembers the 80s… endless afternoons after school in front of the TV. If you weren’t playing pirated games on your Commodore 64, you ... [More]
Koornang Road Blues
I think maybe Koornang Road in Carnegie doesn’t like my car. This is not some unfounded irrational fear of a particular street. Twice last weekend I had umm…. driving altercations there. Last Friday night we piled into the car for a little shopping at Chadstone – Chaddy, as it’s known. Cruising down Koornang Road on ... [More]