
Clean up

I had a bit of a clear out today. Admittedly I didn’t get very far towards my long-term goal of tidying up the house completely, but remember the longest journey begins with a single call to your travel agent. What is amazing is the little bits of memorabilia you can find when sorting through old  ... [More]



The completed shower The shower got finished on Wednesday, which is good, because I was getting a bit tired of baths. Certainly they’re nice as a change, but not so good when you’re in a hurry. Speaking of baths, something half amusing, half embarrassing happened on Tuesday morning. I was getting out of the bath  ... [More]


RIP Tim 1999-2001

The two surviving goldfish Bad news. Last night I noticed that one of the goldfish was… umm… sleeping with the fishes. I wasn’t sure if it was Tim, Bill or Graeme who had passed on to that great fishbowl in the sky, but in the morning Isaac let me know that it had been Tim.  ... [More]



Ah, a nice relaxing bath. Can’t read the paper in the shower… Well, you kinda can, but it gets pretty wet. I just had my second bath of the year. That might not sound like many baths, but it’s more baths than I had in the whole of last year. Oh, don’t worry, I do  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones Working life

Growing up, and meetings

Isaac on his first day of school Isaac started school today, an event which he enjoyed, but which left him rather sapped of energy by the end of the day. Everything’s going so fast. It seems like only yesterday that he was a tiny baby popping out into the world for the first time. After  ... [More]


Iris goes home :-(

The traditional airport goodbye photo Alas, Iris went home to Israel today. *sniffle*


Right up the You Yangs

On Friday Iris and I set out for one last drive in the country before she departs, alas, for another country. We set off over the Westgate, and some time after Werribee, got off the freeway and started exploring. After rumbling along various obscure roads (some sealed and some unsealed, reminding me why it’s not  ... [More]


Cute phone

On Monday I got a new mobile phone, a very cute Nokia 6210. It’s titchy. The old one wasn’t huge, but this is much smaller. I dread the day they make mobiles much smaller than this. People will start to lose them in pockets and body cavities. It’s taken me a few days of R-ing  ... [More]


The maddening crowds

Well, I finally did it. After several days of fiddling with my mobile phone antenna because it was playing up giving me a weak signal… well, today I actually snapped it off completely. D’oh! The weak signal turned into a non-existent signal. Time to go phone shopping I think. Last night we rolled up to  ... [More]



To my utter surprise, the plumber guy came. Turned out it was the non-cut-price guy my landlady talked to last year at one stage, then rejected because he sounded (to her) too expensive. Will she heed his advice to replace the shower? We’ll see. This morning I got my new drivers licence. The woman at  ... [More]


Quick bits

After the fiasco of the amazing disappearing plumber on Saturday, I’m told a replacement plumber will be here at 11am tomorrow morning. Uh huh. Watch for updates on this one! Iris spent most of the weekend packing up all her stuff. Alas, she is leaving at the end of the month – heading back to  ... [More]


Stinker of a day

A very hot day with a strengthening northerly wind. A cooler gusty southwest change in the evening with raised dust and thundery showers to follow. Min 19 Max 43 – Bureau of Meteorology forecast for Sunday They predicted that Sunday would be a stinker of a day – no less than 43 degrees in the  ... [More]