
RIP Zebra

Cover from MX – 4/6/2001 Tonight on the way home I picked up a copy of MX at the station. I glanced at the headline, and thought to myself "Zebra dead? – oh dear, that’s bad news for the zoo". Then I read it again: "Zorba dead" – Anthony Quinn died today. I wonder if  ... [More]



(This entry was written retrospectively, on 20 June 2001) Three and a half days a week, I live without a car. It basically goes where the kids go, for logistical reasons, unless I really need it. Sometimes I worry that the kids will turn into lazy chauffeur driven teenagers, but I have schemes to counter  ... [More]



The joys of the BAS I had one of the most frantic mornings in quite some time (involving trying to get into work by 9:30, with the kids unexpectedly at my place and one of them sleeping in an hour late)… and then, once I had got to work, something terrifying… something that brings fear  ... [More]


Diary of an early-bird

4:47am. Argh, it’s stupidly early to be awake. I’m still waking up. 5:15am. Shower woke me up all right. On the bright side, all being well I can go home early. And I bet I get a seat on the 5:27 train… on the 8:21 there’s never any. 5:30am. The suburb is shrouded in darkness.  ... [More]



Well, the good news is that at work, the system I’ve been working on goes live tomorrow. The bad news is that I need to be in the office when it all starts off, at the ridiculous hour of 6am. It’s making me yawn just thinking about it. If everything falls apart, I’m not at  ... [More]


Towel Day

Yesterday was Towel Day, in memory of Douglas Adams. Not exactly a very well known occasion, but I dutifully trudged off to the station with a towel around my neck. It proved quite useful as a scarf in the cold morning air. My old uni mate Peter G was there at the station. "Great beach  ... [More]



I was just doing the dishes, and the biggest damn moth I have ever seen in my life was outside, banging itself against the kitchen window trying to get closer to the light. It must have been close to 15cm across. Bigger than a small bird. I’m very glad the window was securely shut… And  ... [More]


Mexican Mummy

It’s been a pretty quiet weekend for me. Catching up on paperwork, housework, just about every other kind of work except for work work, which thankfully has pretty much confined itself to business hours this week. Spoke to my sister, who is gallivanting around England on a very short trip over there – for a  ... [More]

Geek Working life

Lessons to be learnt

I learnt two important lessons today. This’ll get a bit geeky, but when I got into work this morning, my PC was off. Odd, I left it on. With the screen turned off (that’s the manual power saving feature in Windows NT 4) but definitely on. So I booted ‘er up. But I couldn’t logon  ... [More]


So long…

It was sad to hear the news of the death of Douglas Adams. I have a sudden urge to read the Hitch Hikers books again. But you know what’s a little bit spooky about it… on Saturday night, mere minutes after hearing this news, my sister was looking on the Web for rental property in  ... [More]



You know what I spotted today? A quick explanation for people from outside Melbourne. We have a toll road here that goes through a tunnel under the river. The eastbound tunnel has been notorious for construction delays, and now has problems with leakage of water. Which is not great for inspiring confidence to use it,  ... [More]



This morning going into work on the train, suddenly: BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Gave most of us in the first carriage quite a jolt. Some of my fellow passengers looked rather worried about it… I’ve travelled by train a fair bit, so I knew it was just detonators on the track, placed there to warn  ... [More]