I’ve spent much of the weekend saying goodbye to my sister Susannah. No, she hasn’t died or anything – she and her husband Adrian have been down in Melbourne saying goodbye to everybody before they go jetting off to England. They’ll be back at Christmas for a visit, but the overall plan is to be ... [More]
A few seconds
Hello to all Sydney Morning Herald readers. My spies informed me that this site got a mention in the "Icon" section a couple of Saturdays ago (thanks Coralie). My sister came back down to Melbourne, and brought a paper copy of it with her… kinda cool to see. So clock up another few seconds towards ... [More]
Democracy festival
How to vote card. The placement of the picture of the sticker leaves the mildly amusing "Oral division of Aston" wording… Well I’m certainly feeling a lot better, though I wouldn’t say I was back at 100% yet. The main feature of the flu that’s still hanging on is the cough, something which when I ... [More]
That clueless dweeb at PowerQuest got back to me over the weekend with a more intelligent response than last time. Dear Daniel, Due to the high amount of e-mails received we are sorry for the delay in responding. In order for us to check the charges made onto your credit card, we will need for ... [More]
Next Saturday will be an interesting day. It’s the day of the Aston by-election, which is interesting to me in two ways. Firstly, with my member-of-the-Public-Transport-Users’-Association hat on, I’ve been a little bit involved with the campaign. The PTUA’s campaigning against the Scoresby freeway, which they argue won’t solve congestion problems, and is three times ... [More]
Still feeling like crap
I still feel pretty fordinary. Yesterday I thought I was getting much better, and I went out a couple of times. But by last night I felt worse again. I wonder if it’s how drug addicts feel when they need a fix. I was shivering, almost unable to stand or walk. I lay in front ... [More]
Feeling like crap
I woke up feeling like crap. Fortunately the kids seemed okay, despite having some of the same symptoms – like the ear-shattering cough, for instance. After I got them off to child care, I called in sick then went back to bed and slept for four hours. I woke up and tried to nibble on ... [More]
The gentrification of my little suburb is continuing. The sea-themed paintings are on most of the telephone poles, al fresco dining is spreading, and today the ultimate: the railway station has gained a coffee shop. This is one helluva good idea. After all, since the replacement of the ticket-selling human with machines, the booking office ... [More]
WarGames – a bit of nostalgia from the 80s Occasionally, just occasionally, it seems that you can get an insight into what makes you tick. What has made you into the person you are. Some event, some experience that changed your way of thinking forever. Or at least, I can. Today, keen to have a ... [More]
Glowing in the dark
My usual dentist sent me off to another dentist last week – a supplementary dentist, if you like. This guy’s a gum specialist, and vaguely resembles Uncle Arthur, though his actual name is Don, and he wasn’t annoying at all. Apparently my gums aren’t quite up to scratch. Various microscopic organisms are digging around in ... [More]
My dramas with my credit card took two interesting turns today. The more significant, but slightly less interesting turn was that I called the bank about the continued slurping of my account. They had a look and found that the company in Utah reckoned it was going to claim US$49.95 a month out of it. ... [More]
Yesterday there was rather an odd occasion: my old kindergarten’s birthday. I can’t remember if it was seventy years or eighty years or ninety years old, but it was definitely a bunch of years. And they were having a kind of reunion/birthday thingy. I can’t say I recall much about my kindergarten days. Actually, to ... [More]