

I dreamt that I woke in the night (not unusual recently), hearing noises in the house. Not just the usual possums ballroom dancing in the ceiling, but something louder, like people moving about the kitchen and the hallway, creaking on the floorboards. Initially I felt groggy and unable to move, but eventually woke up enough  ... [More]


Political intrigue and sci-fi

The Brits seem to have the monopoly on making good political thrillers for television. Think of the classics: Edge of Darkness, A Very British Coup, or House of Cards — the TV adaption of the latter was so successful it spawned more books and their subsequent TV adaptions, though alas the climactic final scenes of  ... [More]

Consumerism Food'n'drink

Cream cheese

I have an oversupply of cream cheese. I don’t mind cream cheese on occasions. A week or two ago I was wandering idly through the supermarket and picked up a tub. I’ve dabbed it onto a piece of toast or two. I might just get through it before it expires. Yesterday at Parliament Station as  ... [More]

Doctor Who Photos

Found at Southbank

Found this on the pavement at Southbank yesterday. With thanks to the geniuses who drew it, and the person who tipped me off (I’ve lost the e-mail, but you know who you are). I couldn’t get the whole thing into one picture. They got the captions of the doctors a bit wrong, and no sign  ... [More]

Home life Sport

The challenge

Update on the cable: Optus initially said “Well, we don’t prune bushes”, but after hearing the whole story (especially the bit where it’s at risk of damaging lots of their equipment if it comes tumbling down) have been convinced to come and get their cable. They say they’ll be out on Thursday morning to take  ... [More]

Home life

I have cable

In my front garden next to the verandah is a humungous bush, featuring bright purple leaves flowers and green branches with soft thorns. It’s growing, Triffid-like, out of control, and I regularly have to take the hedge clippers to it to prevent its spread blocking (or at least making awkward) access to the front door.  ... [More]


The navigators

Navigating to a party on Saturday night (with a woman who can read maps! A good reason — not that another one was needed — to hold onto her!) it became apparent from looking at the Melway that the street in question has three names over its 6 kilometre length over the stretch we traversed,  ... [More]

Geek Retrospectives

Big ears

Years ago, I occasionally shopped at Rod Irving Electronics in A’Beckett Street. There was a shop assistant in there who looked like Darrin from Bewitched. The first, original Darrin, with the ears that stuck out. Apart from the ears, he had slicked back jet black hair, a dark suit and very shiny shoes. I don’t  ... [More]

Doctor Who Geek Health Working life


An update about my colleague who lost his laptop computer on Friday the 13th last month. A couple of weeks later he was playing with his kids in the front yard when a male youth walked past on the footpath. With a laptop under his arm. Colleague recognised the laptop, ran after him and rugby  ... [More]



(To recap: Last year the flat I was renting was sold to developers. They kicked everybody out; debated about how much notice they’d given; their builders made a nuisance of themselves; my eventual move went well (Nando’s aside); the flats were renovated and put on market again). Noted with some amusement the other day that  ... [More]


Size matters

The zip on one of my favourite pairs of Levis self-destructed the other week, so time to buy a new pair. Something I learnt working in the menswear shop during my high school and uni years was that there are an inordinate number of ways of measuring the size of a pair of trousers. There’s  ... [More]


Unexpected visitors

Tonight in my garden in the tree at the back THERE ARE BATS! Probably disenfranchised former Botanic Gardens dwelling flying foxes. I had been wondering about those things swooping overhead as I put the washing on the line tonight. They didn’t seem like birds. And I knew they weren’t when they started calling to each  ... [More]