Doctor Who Film

The original Matrix

How’s this for a sci-fi idea: a computer controlling a virtual reality world. People hook up to the computer and enter that world. But it seems real. In fact it’s so real you can get hurt or even killed in there. And it’s called “The Matrix.” What a concept. Not bad for 1976. Doctor Who:  ... [More]


Foaming at the mouth

So far, I have pretty much kept my new year’s resolution to floss my teeth every single day. I think I might have missed one, which for someone who formerly flossed about once a month (and twice a week just before seeing the dentist) isn’t too bad. Have also extended tooth brushing times. I recall  ... [More]

Memes rule, pass it on Net

A-Z of links

Saw this elsewhere, a while back… call me slow, but here’s my version. The A-Z of web sites in my browser history (also dubbed “Your personality summarised in 26 links.”) You can figure out your own by typing each letter in the address bar, and copying whatever it comes up with first. You can also,  ... [More]


Bye bye Bunnings

The theory is that the Melbourne CBD is booming. Retail activity is through the roof, not just on weekdays but also evenings and weekends. Certainly from my point of view as a CBD worker-bee and occasional weekend visitor, it seems like much of the CBD is bustling for most of the time, no doubt helped  ... [More]

Here is my Photos

Here is my post box

Here we go, celebrating the mundane yet again… here is my local post box, a couple of streets away. And you get a stop sign and a fire hydrant thrown in for no extra cost — how good is that?! Feel free to post a picture of your local post box… Link in the Trackbacks  ... [More]

Clothes Geek Home life

The holiday ends here

It’s the last day of my holidays, though perhaps fittingly, I’ve been bombarded with support calls today. Oh the curse of the mobile phone and remote network connection. Some questions that might be resolved by Monday. Or maybe not: I bought some clothes yesterday. Can I actually pull off 3/4 length pants, or will they  ... [More]

books Home life music Retrospectives

Thursday thoughts

I just did a load of washing, including a doona cover. Every single other item ended up inside the doona cover. How is this possible? Number of people observed at the mobile blood bank last week who were reading The Da Vinci Code: 2. It’s hot again today. Trying to take cover, keep the house  ... [More]

Home life


Got my water bill the other day, and along with it was a little card about average water usage. I can’t be bothered re-keying it, so I’ll scan. This is the average number of litres per day, used by households of different sizes (people) and with/without gardens. Me? I’m sitting on 347 litres per day,  ... [More]

Photos transport Travel

Adventure in Warragul

It started with an observation from one or both of my offspring: “I’ve never been on a sprinter train!” So I thought ah, one more week of holidays for me, I’ll take them on the train down to Geelong. They’re well-versed with travel on the suburban trains (it’s all part of my “Dad’s taxi”-avoidance scheme  ... [More]


The Motorcycle Diaries

The Motorcycle Diaries. Perhaps movies are always better when they’re free, but I enjoyed this a lot. Certainly more than Age critic Jim Schembri, who apparently found it dull. I didn’t… I have no Che Guevara t-shirts, posters or other memorabilia, but his transformation from medical student to revolutionary was only part of the story.  ... [More]

Here is my Photos

Here is my dish rack

The other week I was reading some bit of junk mail that came through my post box, and noting that dish washers aren’t quite as exhorbitantly priced as I thought they might be. When I eventually own a house, I’ll be sure to get one, just to save the dish washing effort. But in the  ... [More]

books TV

Tintin on the telly

Tintin lovers, be sure to tune into SBS on Tuesday at 10pm to catch the acclaimed documentary Tintin & I. I heard of this one a while back, and was watching out for it in film festival programmes and overseas DVD releases, but to no avail… so it’ll be good to finally see it.