I haven’t managed to get to all the newly opened stations, but I did stop past Carrum for a little while on Wednesday night. Carrum opened on Monday, with some hiccups – late completion of testing (apparently due to a police operation) and sign-off of new signalling equipment resulted in a delay to the first ... [More]
At last! City of Melbourne tonight will debate changes to motorcycle parking in the CBD. What’s the law? Motorcyclists can park virtually anywhere off-road – unless specifically signed otherwise. There are guidelines which aren’t communicated well, and are widely ignored. The relevant rule provides exclusions to the usual parking limitations if the driver’s vehicle is ... [More]
The Myki 90 day myth reborn
Remember back in the early days of Myki when the rumour spread that if you didn’t use your card for 90 days, your credit would vanish? It wasn’t true. A number of people including me tried to hose it down (not very successfully) but eventually people found via experience that it wasn’t the case. Fast ... [More]
What future for the FTZ?
The Free Tram Zone (FTZ) just turned five. It was introduced in January 2015. If you’re wondering why there was so much discussion on it last week, it’s because submissions to a Parliamentary Inquiry on the topic just closed. Transport Matters Party MP Rod Barton, who moved for the Inquiry, posted an article addressing some ... [More]
Continuing my long-running series of old photos from ten years ago… In January 2010 we took a short break in Inverloch, south Gippsland. The South Gippsland Tourist Railway no longer runs – it suspended operations in December 2015 apparently due to a lack of funds. Here are some snaps from when we visited. Back in ... [More]
Last month I noted that the State Government has prepared the “Big Build” calendar of major disruptions to the transport network. This calendar is easy to read, but it turns out it is fatally flawed. Below you can see how January looks. Note the absence of any disruptions today, 27th January – thanks in part ... [More]
The Lonsdale Street bus mess
(This post adapted from a Twitter thread posted yesterday) Rail replacements on the Caulfield line are not the only major disruptions to public transport at the moment. Bus routes from the eastern suburbs into the CBD are some of the busiest in Melbourne. All of them are currently terminating on the edge of the CBD ... [More]
In Victoria, public transport performance data (in particular reliability aka cancellations, and punctuality aka delays) is “usually published on the 10th of every month.” – or so they claim, anyway. This typically gives eligible passengers just under 3 weeks to claim compensation. Applications normally close at the end of the month. But the publication of ... [More]
The Redesdale bridge
A couple of weeks ago I passed through Redesdale, and its 152 year old bridge. This, by Australian standards, is pretty old. Despite the sign, it opened in 1868, not 1867. On approach, there’s a warning sign about the width (3.2 metres) and height (4.3 metres) limit. Higher than the Montague Street Bridge, but not ... [More]
Fires have ravaged south eastern Australia this summer. As I write this, cooler weather and even a little rain provided a few days of relief, but warmer weather is on the way. There’s much of the fire season still to come. 26 people are dead. 8.4 million hectares are believed to have burnt – figures ... [More]
And so we say farewell to 2019. I think I’d rather say Good Riddance. We lost my uncle in June. But he wasn’t the only one. Too many leaves have fallen from the tree this year. As the Queen remarked of 1992, this is not a year on which I shall look back with undiluted ... [More]
Ten years of Myki in Melbourne
Happy birthday Myki! Yesterday marked ten years since the Myki system’s implementation in Melbourne. It was switched on for Melbourne trains on 29th December 2009. The roll-out and first ten years of operation ended up costing a whopping $1.5 billion. The only Australian system of comparable size, NSW’s Opal system, was a little bit cheaper, ... [More]