Just so we’re clear here about how many trains we are getting… Under Labor, in May 2007, initially 10 trains were funded. As political pressure over crowded trains increased, in October 2007, this was expanded by 8, making 18. In May 2009 this was expanded further by 20, making 38. All of these 38 are ... [More]
Category: transport
All forms of transport, including gunzelly
Glen Mount Waverley MP Michael Gidley got into a scrap with some ALP campaign workers on Wednesday outside Parliament Station. On exiting the station, I received a brochure from an individual. I then sought advice from authorised officers at the station on the distribution of this information because I do not believe it is appropriate ... [More]
Expect some gloating from Metro today. The Track Record monthly report for May was released yesterday, and shows a marked improvement in train punctuality. We already knew the May average had improved to a not very spectacular 82.2%, but the detailed figures might show better the first effects of the early May timetable change. From ... [More]
The bus to nowhere
Apparently the buses at this bus stop have a destination of “None”. The addition to the sign in this case is accurate. It’s a spot where buses layover in William Street between runs. Apparently they’ve put bus stop signs up there to stop motorists parking there if they don’t notice the Bus Zone signs. But ... [More]
There you go; the RACV said again yesterday (as they have done in the past) that the $1.4 billion M1/Westgate Bridge upgrade (including the new lanes opened yesterday) will be swamped within a decade. Brian Negus, of the RACV, welcomed the opening of the fifth lane. It was the final link in the freeway corridor ... [More]
Preaching to the converted?
There’s a billboard facing the light rail (tram) line to St Kilda, near the City Road station. As far as I can see, from its positioning, it is visible only to tram passengers. What’s it advertising this month? It’s Metro’s “This is me” campaign. These adverts have come under some criticism. …encouraging yet more passengers ... [More]
If ever you want proof that the readers of my blog are a highly talented, intelligent and attractive bunch of people, check this out. Following my post on railway station patronage, and the wish from commenters that the figures be plotted on a map, the supremely talented Brendan Durward went ahead and did it, with ... [More]
All righty gunzel stats nerds, prepare to go crazy. These figures are not an official release, and they can’t be guaranteed to be entirely accurate. In fact the original included the specific disclaimer: This document is supplied “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, fitness for a particular ... [More]
Ah, the fascinating world of manhole covers. For you youngsters, the MMTB (Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board) ran the tram system from 1919 to 1983 when it was merged into “The Met”. NTS (New Ticketing System) was the working name for Myki. It still shows up in internal literature, and in things like URLs on ... [More]
Pic taken this morning, if you wondered. Disclaimer: actually bus 223 is pretty frequent, because it’s a former tram route. (Spotted by J.) Update: BBC News: ‘Rapture’: Believers perplexed after prediction fails
Yesterday’s morning commute. Not good.
8:17 or so, boarded train train at Mckinnon. Not my usual station. Long irrelevant story. Happily got a seat. 8:36. Train stops at Hawksburn. Driver on PA tells us that the train will be delayed at least ten minutes due to signal failures near Richmond. He advises us to go to platform 3. 8:37. Most ... [More]
Are the trains getting less crowded?
Here’s the good news: the October 2010 Metro Load Standards Survey (released to the Greens under FOI) shows that overcrowding has dropped markedly. Measured in terms of (deep breath) Rolling Hour Average Loads Above Desired Standards, the number of breaches has dropped from 38 in October 2007 to 6 in October 2010. Part of this ... [More]