The short version Myki credit, once on your card, does not expire after 90 days of not getting used. Nor does your card expire after 90 days of not getting used. If you top-up your Myki via online or phone (NOT over-the-counter or at a vending machine) but then you don’t use the card within ... [More]
Category: transport
All forms of transport, including gunzelly
The view out the front window
When I was a kid, I liked to kneel on the front seat of the (W-class) tram, looking out the front, and watching the driver, trying to figure out how it all worked. I reckon the front still gives you the best views. Back in the day I recall a control to apply the power, ... [More]
So this is Terminal 4 Arrivals — where you greet passengers arriving in Melbourne on Tiger Airways: You can’t go in, they can only come out. There’s no shelter to speak of — if it rains, you’d better wait in your car (if you brought one). Inside there’s just luggage collection. No trolley until you ... [More]
V/Line’s possible timetables circa 2021
Following up my post the other week about proposed possible Metro timetables in 2021… The other thing that’s become apparent from the Travel Demand document is how the Regional Rail Link (and the other V/Line routes) could work. Frankly it’s a relief they have some idea of how RRL would run, as so far they’ve ... [More]
If you’ll pardon my boldness, I’ve worked out a new advertising campaign for Metro.
Transport minister Terry Mulder: “We’d like to think we’ll get to a stage down the line whereby you can throw the timetable away, and we run ten minute frequencies. I think that’s what the community are wanting.” Spot on Terry. I’ve already thrown my timetable away. (Nah, I haven’t really.) Frequent services, 7 days-a-week The ... [More]
Idiot of the day
About an hour ago at Highett station: the train to Frankston had just left, and a city-bound train was approaching. This idiot cyclist rode across in front of the city-bound train. The train driver tooted his horn loud and long. The cyclist entered the station, and appeared to want to catch the train — I’d ... [More]
So, let’s check back in at Mckinnon station, where the presence of only a single Myki reader on the main platform results in long queues every evening peak hour, as increasing numbers of Myki users wait to touch-off. There’s plenty of space to put in additional Myki readers. But it still hasn’t happened yet, despite ... [More]
Possible 2021 Metro timetables
They really don’t like talking about this stuff, but if you’ve been wondering what your future train service might look like, check this: (View it bigger) This map is based on an appendix tucked-away in the Rowville rail study documents, and shows a proposed operating plan once Regional Rail Link and a handful of other ... [More]
A new Myki-related problem has emerged — during evening peak, crowds heading into Flinders Street Station’s Elizabeth Street entrance back up onto the road. This video shows it (though I’m sure I’ve seen worse crowds on occasions) It’s not entirely down to Myki — it’s a combination of surging passenger numbers, space limitations at that ... [More]
How many catch V/Line in peak hour?
Last night on the TV news they seemed to be struggling for an accurate figure of how many were affected by the closure of the Geelong line. One said “hundreds”, another said “up to a thousand”. Figures on V/Line’s web site, which summarise the number of people on each train so you can plan your ... [More]
The mural at Patterson station that I noted some time ago has now been completed and officially opened. It includes a rather neat mosaic version of the Metro logo: (zoom) More faces contributed by (mostly) local community groups and schools have been added. Note Bender from Futurama in there. (zoom) Apparently they got sponsorship from ... [More]