Friends and loved ones Working life

Growing up, and meetings

Isaac on his first day of school Isaac started school today, an event which he enjoyed, but which left him rather sapped of energy by the end of the day. Everything’s going so fast. It seems like only yesterday that he was a tiny baby popping out into the world for the first time. After  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

Hi Grandad

Chong Quinlem – my grandad, circa 1946. I feel like I’ve just met my grandfather (on my dad’s side) for the first time. Which is a bit strange, since he died long before I was born. It may be a bit odd, but my dad’s never gone in much for sentimental stuff, and it’s taken  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

Christmas time already

Well, it was a sometimes cloudy, sometimes sunny Christmas. We woke early, let the kids unwrap their presents, throw paper around and generally make a big mess of the livingroom, which is definitely a Christmas tradition. For lunch we went over to my mum’s boyfriend Peter’s place and sat in the garden and stuffed ourselves  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones Melbourne

One sleep ’til Christmas

Well, just one sleep until Christmas… the gifts have been procured – well, all but one, which is somewhere between being ordered from an online music site and being physically delivered to the mailbox. Oh yeah, and I really must try and get them wrapped in the next few hours… Father Christmas aka Santa has  ... [More]

Food'n'drink Friends and loved ones TV

"I can’t feel my legs"

Went to a bit of a buck’s night on Saturday. A bit of a pub crawl through the city. There was one casualty of the evening, and it all happened before we even started! By the time we were in the restaurant chowing down some delicious Mongolian food, our missing comrade had already managed to  ... [More]

Food'n'drink Friends and loved ones

Fitted up!

On Saturday afternoon I found myself being fitted up. For a mate’s wedding. Yes, Brian’s finally getting hitched to the lovely Deanne, and I’ll be there along with a handful of others in matching suits trying to bring some sense of dignity and occasion to the umm…. occasion. What I’m trying to say is that  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

I spy…

Sitting outside a cafe on the weekend with the family, I kept Isaac busy (and learning too!) with a game of I Spy. After spying cars, a clock, a tram, a dog, I decided it was time for people. "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with P." Isaac looked around. Then loudly, and  ... [More]

driving Friends and loved ones

The long and winding freeway

Around a year ago, just a few short months after I’d got my car, a mate of mine (in the sense that I see him perhaps once a year, but when I do, I say something like "Mate! How’re you going?"), Mike, asked me "so, has the car changed your life yet?" At the time,  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones Health

The box

There’s something that nobody ever warns you about before you have kids. And that is that kids (or at least both of my boys) have a quite incredible ability to – well, let’s be quite blunt about this – bring their limbs into painful contact with my bollocks. The number of times that both of  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones Melbourne


Amazing as it may seem, today is our seventh anniversary. So last night to celebrate we went out for a couple of hours, down to St Kilda. This may not seem like a huge celebration, but I don’t need to tell any fellow parents of young children that getting out of the house without them  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones Health

*Ring* *Ring* *Huaawwwaaarrrrrkkk*

They say that careless talk costs lives. Well, I want the head of whoever called at 8pm tonight. Allow me to elucidate. At 8pm tonight, I was attempting to get the youngest of my two sons to bed. Jeremy, just over one year old, was in my arms, just dropping off as I gently rocked  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones Sport

GP or not GP

Utter tragedy at the Formula 1 Grand Prix today. My mate Mick was forced to break the tradition of two years, because he couldn’t hold his usual GP party at his flat. It’s just near the track, with a roof garden, so you get all the atmosphere – the helicopters, the noise from the cars,  ... [More]