Consumerism Sport

The tyranny of distance

Eight out of eight on the footy tipping at the weekend. Of course, that wasn’t particularly unusual for the round — plenty of rank amateurs with no detailed footy knowledge like me managed high scores. I’m now equal first on one comp (much to Trish’s chagrin), equal second on the other. My DVDs from Amazon  ... [More]

Clothes Film Friends and loved ones Sport

The party shirt

Friday night DVD: School Of Rock. Not at all deep, and obviously a Jack Black post-High-Fidelity star vehicle, but very funny, very enjoyable. I rang the bank to ask what happened with my alarm clock points reward thing I ordered. The lady told me it would take up to 28 days to arrive. TWENTY EIGHT  ... [More]


Next / tipping

Neal Stephenson’s “Snow Crash” is next on my reading list. I’ll let you know what I think of it when I’ve got beyond the first page. I ummed and ahhed about my footy tips on Friday. I tipped Geelong, then on reading the paper I changed my mind and tipped Brisbane. Then I pondered if  ... [More]

Clothes Health Home life Sport

The weekend

Footy tips not too good. Only 3 out of 8. Bah. I don’t like this anymore. On my way out to the west on Friday night, suddenly realised apart from my shoes and socks, I was entirely dressed in blue. Spent a substantial amount of Saturday daytime lazing. And a substantial amount of Saturday nighttime  ... [More]

Health Sport

Finger in your ear

Footy tipping… 7 out of 8. Not too shabby for the first round. Would have been a perfect 8 out of 8, but I was foolish enough to be loyal to my own team and tip Geelong. The other week I went and saw the doctor about the headaches I’d been getting. Turned out to  ... [More]

Home life Sport

The challenge

Update on the cable: Optus initially said “Well, we don’t prune bushes”, but after hearing the whole story (especially the bit where it’s at risk of damaging lots of their equipment if it comes tumbling down) have been convinced to come and get their cable. They say they’ll be out on Thursday morning to take  ... [More]


Cup Day

Ahhh… it was Cup Day yesterday… first public holiday since June. It’s a good thing. I broke with tradition, and rather than put a number of small bets on different horses, then lose all the money as they all came in at fourth position or later, I chose a single horse to vote for (as  ... [More]

Clothes Sport TV

29 here I come!

My birthday is next Friday, and this year I’ve found it necessary to ask for a new pair of slippers. All of us in my family let each other know what we’d like – because we know how hopeless we all are at buying things for each other. It’s not that I’ve asked for slippers  ... [More]

Sport TV

Footy and TV

Shit shit shit shit shit! Thanks to me filling in my tipping form incorrectly, the cleaner has caught up with me to hold equal first place! Damn. Never mind. Hands up who remembers the 80s… endless afternoons after school in front of the TV. If you weren’t playing pirated games on your Commodore 64, you  ... [More]

News and events Sport

Olympics rant

I’ve just got to have a rant. This whole Olympics marching band thing has got way out of hand. From the sounds of it, some SOCOG dweeb made the wrong decision to start with, and they’d already got loads of overseas marching bands to come over when someone said "errr, how about letting some Aussies play?"  ... [More]



I thought I was doing quite well at the footy tipping – until this weekend. Now I’m beginning to think it was nothing more than an lucky streak. Of the 8 games this weekend, I successfully picked 2! TWO! Pathetic, even if I say so myself! I haven’t seen the others’ results, but this will  ... [More]

Melbourne Sport


Somehow, I’m not sure how, I’m doing really well at the footy tipping at work. Okay, it’s only the third round, but I’m leading the competition, with 18 games tipped (out of 24). It’s the first time I’ve even entered footy tipping, and I can’t for the life of me work out how I’m doing  ... [More]