Geek Net

Blog Awards

The Australian 2004 Blog Awards are on, and happily this humble diary has been nominated in a couple of categories by some poor deluded fools who think it’s worthy. I’m certainly not holding my breath on winning any of them, because there is some staggeringly good competition among the other nominees. But I’ll certainly be  ... [More]


Tintin turns 75

Tintin turned 75 on Saturday, and he still doesn’t look a day over 16. The Belgians, ever eager to remind the world where he’s from, have issued a special 10 euro coin to help celebrate. Upon reading about this in the paper over the weekend, memories of the books came flooding back, and a flick  ... [More]

Film Home life

Monday snippets

Driving along yesterday by a park, I spotted a row of people with their dogs all SIT!ting next to them. Probably an obedience class or something. Suddenly I heard a bark – one black and white dog had broken from the pack and was sprinting along. I was doing the speed limit or so –  ... [More]

Geek Net

A new dawn

As you may have noticed, this diary has finally been brought kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Yep, I’ve done what I swore I wouldn’t do – switched to a content management system. (In geekspeak that’s CMS.) As a result, some of the stuff has changed, some of it looks different. The old diary  ... [More]

Doctor Who Friends and loved ones

Happy new year

Well, here we are, 2004. As you may have noticed, I’ve been busy so far with extracurricular activities. But I won’t bore you with that. Instead let me tell you about the car. Tony got the collector’s edition version of Doctor Who: The Three Doctors for Christmas – in the special box with a toy  ... [More]

Net News and events

Bye bye 2003

Zoom. Well, there goes the year. To me it seems to have gone incredibly fast, but a lot’s gone on in my life and around the world over the past twelve months. In the grand scheme of things, particularly in the Personal Relationships Department, the start of the year didn’t seem great to me, but  ... [More]


Instant movie review

"Love, Actually"… why would we go to see this rather than "Return of the King"? Well, because I had Gold Class tickets that had to be used up before the end of the year and ROTK was booked out for the next fortnight. Anyway, it was not very deep, not heavy (apart from the scene  ... [More]

Doctor Who

The Space Museum

In this Doctor Who adventure from 1965, the time travellers visit Federation Square…

Consumerism Melbourne TV

Too damn hot

Too damn hot yesterday. And last night. I’m going to go evaporative cooler shopping. There’s a parent at the school who looks like Billy Connolly when he was in his beardless phase, complete with the windswept and interesting long grey hair. But he has an Australian accent. There’s another parent at the school who looks  ... [More]

Consumerism Film

Instant movie review: Spellbound

Spellbound: documentary following 8 fourteen-year-old American kids getting to the national Spelling Bee finals. The tension mounts as the competition goes on, and along the way there are some genuinely funny moments (well done to the Hooters restaurant people for cheering their local competitor with a big "CONGRADULATIONS" sign) as well as providing an insight  ... [More]

Doctor Who

The next step in law enforcement

You’ve heard of Robocop… well the next step after that is… Police Dalek! (Courtesy of Isaac’s vivid imagination)

Health Melbourne Net

Snippets from the last few days

A long time school friend’s mum died of cancer on Thursday. Such a horrible thing for their family, all I can do is pass on condolences from my family. Film crew blocking off Hardware Street on Saturday, making me more late for lunch than I had previously been. Crowd control consisted of a woman in  ... [More]