Clothes music Retrospectives TV

Follow-up comments

I get some terrific comments on this blog. Quite a few of them, too. The database reckons over 6000, though I think there might be some suspected spams in there. Then again, there are some old comments from 2003 that haven’t been imported into WordPress yet. Here’s some followups on some recent comments, and on  ... [More]


On the box

I don’t normally watch much TV, but I’ve got a few things earmarked for the coming weeks. Tony has reminded me: Life On Mars starts this Sunday night on ABC. Everything I’ve heard says it’s good. Series 3 of Doctor Who is hotly rumoured to be coming on Saturday nights at 7:30pm again, starting in  ... [More]


Emergency undies

Does everybody have a pair of emergency underpants? You know, the undies that are not actually unwearable, but are far from preferable? Not actually falling apart, but maybe the elastic’s stretched just a teensy bit too far, or they were a new brand you purchased that didn’t turn out to be as comfortable as your  ... [More]



Ties are essentially useless. Purely decorative. I bought one yesterday. Nice. What I can’t quite come to terms with is men who wear bow ties for everyday business-wear. It just looks wrong. It’s like they’re trying to scream “I’m whimsical!!” (Awaiting comments from all my bow tie-wearing readers…)


Just Gerald, oops, Gerard

No more laughing. The Comedy Festival has come to an end. Yesterday they were taking down the big Box Office sign with the Leunig characters on it off the side of the Town Hall. Just before it finished on Sunday, a bunch of us braved the Waiters (seemed to have bounced back from previous bad  ... [More]

Film TV

The fuzz and the outlaws

Hot Fuzz — Saw this the other week. Very funny, very bloody, very enjoyable comedy, which pays homage to cop buddy movies. The only problem was that the trailer has far too many of the best jokes in it, and I found myself watching some scenes, waiting for the funny line. I suspect I’d have  ... [More]



Broad focus: Don’t be a sheep. Make your own decisions. Narrow focus: Don’t just follow those other people walking across the road against the lights. Look where you’re going. (Yeah, I’ve talked about this before.)

Doctor Who

Our time has come

I have to admit, when I was growing up, Doctor Who was never really one of the cool kid shows. Scifi generally probably wasn’t something the cool kids watched. But now, on the eve of the third series (starts Saturday night in the UK; who knows when we’ll see it in Australia), David Tennant’s Doctor  ... [More]

books Culture Film


I’ve heard from two completely independent sources of Pastafarianism in the past week. Could it be that the age of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is upon us? RAmen. Anyway, here’s some quick reviews. Michael Palin’s diaries 1969-1979 — Very interesting, especially for a Python fan like me, giving the background story behind the group coming  ... [More]

Food'n'drink TV

Captain Vegetable!

Things I like about Captain Vegetable (from Sesame Street): 1. I don’t remember this song from when I was a kid. I discovered it when my kids watched Sesame Street. 2. The message! Yeah I’m getting health conscious. Not that it was ever likely to convince any kids. 3. The dodgy rhyming. “My name is  ... [More]


Boys and their toys

I don’t know if there’s ever been proof that males have some genetic thing that makes them (well, most of them) inherently interested in engineering, but sometimes it seems that way. Everyone has their own particular interests, of course. Most people know that I’m not particularly impressed with cars. Although I will confess to liking  ... [More]


Writing for online vs paper

I write on various blogs regularly. (Okay, some aren’t really meant to be blogs, but use blogging software.) You bash out some text, hit Post and you’re done. Just try writing for a paper medium though. I’ve been putting together the latest PTUA newsletter, which gets posted out on (recycled) paper to members. 7 pages  ... [More]