
Proof that Skybus was intended to be on Myki one day

Got back from Perth last night. Had a great time, which you’ll hear about in due course, but first: something we spotted on the Skybus on the way home: Myki reader mounting points — and just like those that first appeared on trams a few years ago, they’re being used as brochure holders at the  ... [More]


Is this tram route map the wrong way round?

While I applaud Yarra Trams’ efforts to put more information on-board trams, this map threw me for a moment. I’m used to seeing east (Box Hill) on the right, and west (Port Melbourne) on the left. This had it the other way around. And before you say it: it wasn’t designed to match the actual  ... [More]

Consumerism transport

Spotted at a tram stop in Bourke Street: icicles (fake)

Fake icicles on this tram stop, to advertise Mount Buller. I wonder if anybody except me even noticed.

Clothes Working life


A bit over a year ago I stopped wearing a tie to work, mostly because nobody else at work wears a tie. When you wear ties, they can be the distinguishing feature in your work attire. When the tie is gone, it’s harder to get away with, for instance, wearing white shirts every day. So  ... [More]


I finally got a Senz umbrella

I finally bought the Senz umbrella I’d been covetting (ever since I took a look at one, courtesy of blog reader Flerdle). senz was started by three Dutch industrial design students that were frustrated with traditional umbrellas. The design challenge was to design the ultimate umbrella and eliminate all of the well known umbrella struggles  ... [More]


My dad and the Brisbane PT campaign, circa 1951

I was interested to see this post complaining about Brisbane bus services to the University of Queensland. In this Courier Mail article it appears that the most overcrowded bus services in Brisbane all serve university precincts. My dad was editor of the UQ student newspaper Semper Floreat in 1951. UQ has recently put many (possibly  ... [More]


What’s so special about this block of flats?

Hey trivia buffs, what’s so special about this block of flats? (Apart from the fact that one flat is for lease.) (Note, if you clicked-through from Twitter, and are first with the answer, but instead of simply leaving a comment below you decide to return back to Twitter to tell me, then I’m afraid you  ... [More]


Regional Rail Link update: Olympic Doughnuts to stay at Footscray station

A couple of years ago when they were announcing some of the detail around the Regional Rail Link project upgrades to Footscray station, I jokingly remarked on Twitter that I hoped the doughnut van would survive. I was then assured by someone in the then-minister’s office that it would. The government may have changed, but  ... [More]


Thinking about VOIP to replace my land line. Any recommendations?

Another $38.60 (per month) bill for my land line, which I barely use. That’s made up of: line rental $22.95 17 local calls $5.10 calls to mobiles $1.62 silent line $2.93 caller ID $6.00 Almost all of the cost ($31.88) is in the line itself, rather than the calls. My sister’s recently gone down the  ... [More]


Tram Cams – do passengers need to DIY?

A few minutes ago in Flinders Lane: It was only on a whim I decided to film as I alighted the tram. The car driver was apologetic, but this ignorance of the law around giving way to passengers has gone on far too long. It’s a serious issue — just last week a girl was  ... [More]

Politics and activism PTUA transport

Metro apostrophe crimes! (and will the next state election again swing on PT?)

As if disrupted trains weren’t enough, now we have Metro apostrophe crimes. (from Channel 10 news 25/6/2012: Commute derailed) Metro was already having a bad Monday morning peak with the inner part of the Sandringham line suspended due to a maintenance train derailing overnight. Things didn’t improve when at about 7:15 the outer section of  ... [More]


It’s Turbo Chicken!

(from the same day as this pic)