Consumerism Melbourne

Outer, or inner?

Eh? From last Monday’s Herald Sun: Melbourne restaurant manager Monique Moussi rented out her home in Seddon, on the city’s edge, in favour of a fast-paced and closely networked lifestyle in the fashionable Docklands precinct near the city’s heart. She’s far too busy running the family restaurant, Medici’s, to maintain a house and garden, and  ... [More]


Blast from the past

If you haven’t seen it yet, here’s the short Doctor Who charity scene just released… You can also watch it and find out more detail at the BBC’s web site. And don’t forget to donate here to Children In Need. My response (after you’ve watched it — spoilers!)

Consumerism Going green

No junk mail

The No Junk Mail sticker is very effective. I rarely get anything — notable recent exceptions being an ALP brochure about the local candidate, and Coalition brochures with lots of red ink slagging off the ALP. I wonder if electoral material is exempt? (Local sitting member Andrew Robb looks a bit like an older Kevin  ... [More]


That’s so random

OMG, the teenagers really do say “random”. I heard it twice on the train yesterday. They didn’t seem to be referencing Summer Heights High, either.


Cluster headaches

So I’ve been having these headaches, regular ones, a piercing pain through the top-left part of my head, from my temple down to my jaw. They come and go several times a day, mostly in the morning, every hour or two for about 15-30 minutes each time. Sometimes they’re early in the morning, waking me  ... [More]


Blog display problems

I’m told some people are having trouble reading this web site. Some text goes under the right hand navigation. It seems to be a problem with Internet Explorer 6. Not sure why it’s happening more right now than usual. Until I get it fixed, those affected can try this workaround: Select all text (eg Ctrl-A)  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

I’m an uncle again

As of this morning, I have a baby niece. 3.5Kg, named TBA Isolde Isolda. Mother and baby doing well. Woo hoo! PS. Tuesday 10pm. Picture:

Going green News and events Politics and activism

This is our war

What did you do in the war, grandad? Sunday is Remembrance Day, when we pause to remember the generations of young soldiers who went away to war to fight for the freedoms we enjoy today, many of them paying with their lives. Those of us young(ish) adults no longer have the threat of world (or  ... [More]

Adelaide 2007

Bye bye Adelaide

(Posted 12-Nov-2007; backdated to the day it happened) And to so our final day in Adelaide. After breakfast we packed up all our stuff and checked-out, leaving the big backpack with reception to pick up later. Then we moseyed down North Terrace, passing the South Australian Parliament building, where Mcleod’s Daughters was being filmed for,  ... [More]

Adelaide 2007

Don’t go to the Jollyrock

(Posted 10-Nov-2007; backdated to the day it happened) We munched on the Continental Breakfast (not as exorbitant as the Full Breakfast, but still $13.90 a head… blargh) then strolled down to the very grand Adelaide Station. After buying tickets and going through the turnstiles (which really are turnstiles, not the fare gates seen in most  ... [More]

Adelaide 2007

Travelling north

(Posted 8-Nov-2007; backdated to the day it happened) I’d booked a car for the day, so we could head out of the city, see the countryside, and so we could visit the St Kilda tram museum and adventure playground, the former only being open on Sundays, and both of them being impossible to get to  ... [More]

Adelaide 2007


(Posted 7-Nov-2007; backdated to the day it happened. Sorry, some of the best pics are on the video, which I haven’t had time to sort out yet.) With last year’s trip to Sydney very much the model for this year’s little jaunt, we set out on Saturday morning. Train (on-time this time) then the Skybus  ... [More]