Food'n'drink Health


Thankfully it’s only a minority of smokers who are obnoxious about their habit, like the two bogan girls in the Campbell Arcade yesterday morning. I wonder what made them think they were allowed to smoke in there? After all, smoking is banned from most inside and undercover locations now. Maybe we should have smoking zones?  ... [More]



The wacky dreams keep on coming. This one on the weekend involved walking Maisie (the dog) with Marita in Footscray Park. But beware! Assassins! In a white stationwagon! They pulled up nearby and came attacking, with a syringe full of something to stab me with. Maisie, being her usual cautious self, was not about to  ... [More]

Food'n'drink Friends and loved ones Health Melbourne Sport

Miscellaneous stuff from the past week

I had a reasonably bad cold last week, and I’m still periodically coughing yeuchhy stuff up very noisily. At its worst, I worked from home, which was actually pretty good — I reckon I got more done at home than I would have done at work, thanks to the tranquility. Thanks to a contact in  ... [More]


Going cold turkey

Can I do it? Starting at midnight tonight, I’m going to try. An entire week without chocolate. Just to prove I can. My name is Daniel, and I am a chocoholic. I may be addicted, but I CAN GIVE IT UP ANY TIME I LIKE. No Mars Bars, no choc brownies, no Freddo Frogs, no  ... [More]



In year 11+12, I studied accounting. It wasn’t the most interesting of subjects to me, but I did very well in it. The teacher was Mr Read, who was a brilliant accounting teacher. He breathed life into what could have been a very dull topic to study. There were always plenty of anecdotes to amuse  ... [More]

News and events

Just getting through the day

While many of us are thinking about near-trivial day-to-day things like what DVD to hire, or how to make our frequent flyer points go farther, in other less peaceful parts of the world, they’re worrying about just getting through the day alive. Tony Issa [warning: graphic photos], normally a Melbourne native, is in Lebanon right  ... [More]


A few quick movie reviews

Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang — A kinda violent-yet-funny Lock Stock/Snatch type comedy-mystery-drama. Very well done, with some nice touches on the narration. Plenty of laughs, very enjoyable. Broken Flowers — Another of Bill Murray’s refined, old bloke, laid-back movie roles. Very good. Corpse Bride — Reminded me of one of those 80s/90s afternoon kids’ programmes,  ... [More]

Consumerism Hobart 2006 Sydney 2006

How much are Frequent Flyer points worth?

I’ve been planning some activity for my many frequent flyer points, many tens of thousands of which were earnt over several years of paying for childcare on a credit card several years ago. It adds up, I can tell you. Firstly I’ll be jaunting down to Hobart for a few days in October with Marita.  ... [More]


Best (weirdest) dream of the weekend

It’s been a funny weekend for dreams. On Saturday night I had an interesting one involving a bunch of my friends from high school, but set in the current time, riding bikes around late at night. But by far the best of the weekend was on Friday night/Saturday morning: I was waiting at a kind  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

The madman again

Josh (aka the madman) was in the pub again on Friday night. Alas, I didn’t have time to join him for a quick drink. I like the reflection of the station, opposite, in this picture. Mighty handy, this phone camera.


Right place, right time

“The only thing wrong with public transport is the public.” I’m not sure who said it, but sometimes it rings true. On my train home last night at about 9:30pm, a crazy woman started screaming at nobody in particular. Just a cry of “You f—ing murderers! Nazis!” every couple of minutes. As you do. The  ... [More]

Food'n'drink Geek

Busy this week

Been too damn busy to think of very much intelligent to blog about. I did post a long meandering review of my new mobile phone over at geekrant though. Oh, and I can tell you about this fabulous email I got the other week: Subject: Your Food Pyramid/Trapezoid presented at food and nutrition seminar Hello  ... [More]