
What the heck…

I was going through the latest Weetbix collector cards the other day, as one does… at the moment it’s various groovy and highly athletic basketball stuff, not something that enthrals me enough to want to collect them. Anyway, imagine, for a moment, that you’re me. You’ve just pulled the cards out of the box without  ... [More]

Working life

How long will it take?

Great news! We got cables to go with our network connection points! Amazing stuff. With any luck, in the next few months the bits and pieces of the PC might turn up. Okay, I admit it, it’s starting to get just a little frustrating. This is the end of the fifth week at this new  ... [More]


Longest long weekend of the year

It’s a very special weekend – the one when the clocks go back an hour! An extra hour’s sleep on Sunday morning is always a good thing. In fact, the only way it could be better would be to have the extra hour on Monday morning instead. Of course, there’s another reason that it’s a  ... [More]


Web of Doom

Well, the cult in California committing mass suicide is all over the news. Sorry, but is there any real surprise here? This is what weird cults do. They recruit impressionable people, take all their money, cut them off from their families, go and live in a isolated compound somewhere, shave their heads or adopt some  ... [More]

Working life


Wow! After almost a month, some movement at last on desks at work! Somehow, some way, they’ve found us some. And what’s more, they’re not stuck up in some obscure part of the building that’s fifteen minutes’ walk from the lifts. They’re down on the ground floor, near the main entrance. Amazing. And of course,  ... [More]


Meanwhile in the neighbourhood…

The neighbours’ car is still out there on the street. Obviously someone’s noticed its uncared-for status; people seem to have started dumping litter inside it. Maybe the reason nobody’s taken it is that, apart from being a crap car, maybe it doesn’t work? POT SPOT WATCH:Yes, the Pot Spot is still gone. No sign of  ... [More]

Working life

Working from home

With the accommodation and hardware situation not resolved at work, I’ve been working at home most of this week. Haven’t done this since last year when I sprained my ankle. It’s got its bad and good points. Bad: Less interaction with my fellow deskless sufferers and others. It’s probable that if I were locked in  ... [More]


How to get your car nicked

It appears that one of our neighbours is trying to get their car stolen. A say this because it’s been sitting out there on the street (rather than in its car space) for the better part of a week now. With the passenger side window down. Call me crazy, but if that’s really what they’re  ... [More]

Geek Working life


Well, the weekend is over and it’s back to work tomorrow, with the probably vain hope that we’ll actually get our hands on some hardware this week. Yes, we’re still without PCs and phones. As well as desks to put the PCs and phones on. I honestly don’t think I’ve done this much handwriting since  ... [More]


Fish and Chips and Helicopters

It was pretty sunny this evening so we took the opportunity to enjoy some fish’n’chips in the park. Well, it certainly saves effort on the washing up. Instead of wash/dry/put away, it’s scrunch up paper/put in bin. After dinner Isaac had a run around in the playground. Isaac loves looking out for airborne vehicles –  ... [More]


Pot Spot/Grand Prix

POT SPOT WATCH: Well, the sign said the lease finishes Sunday 9th of March. Sure enough this afternoon there was no sign of movement. Inside it appears than all the stock has gone. So… this could be it. Stay tuned for more developments as they happen. First stop this morning was one of Isaac’s colleagues’  ... [More]



The very first thing we saw when we walked out of the house this morning was the Whitman’s blimp, flying directly overhead. In the afternoon we had a wedding to go to, almost in the middle of Grand Prix territory during a transport strike, a bit of a scary prospect. Would it be Melbourne’s version  ... [More]