
Tax time

It was a pretty crappy weekend as far as the weather goes, so we didn’t get out very much. I spent some of Sunday sorting through all my tax stuff to take to the accountant tonight. (Yes, I have an accountant. Don’t give me shit about it. This isn’t the sleevenotes of Neil’s Heavy Concept  ... [More]



Less than twenty-four hours after I posted the above entry online, paper towel had re-appeared in the bathroom at work. Never underestimate the power of the Net! From time to time people ask me "what ever happened about…" If you’ve been wondering about various things I’ve talked about, but haven’t mentioned in some weeks, here’s  ... [More]


Paperless office?

It would seem that, having given up on the idea of the paperless office, the company I work at is trying out the paperless bathroom instead. Err, I mean for drying your hands – if they took the actual toilet paper away I think they’d face immediate petitions, strike action, and maybe a riot or  ... [More]



We’ve been having a few more hassles with our neighbours in the flat downstairs. It’s nothing major, you understand, just a matter of a television blaring infomercials at three o’clock in the morning. And it’s in the room directly below our bedroom, while I, Runner-up of the Pan-Pacific Light Sleepers Competition 1997, try to get  ... [More]


How not to get fired

Management has spoken. There is work for me to do. Which is good. Because although sitting around at work doing nothing for four months might be some people’s idea of a good time, it’s not mine. It’s quite possible that I could die of boredom in those circumstances. Or at least go insane from it.  ... [More]



Last night we saw "Bean". I wouldn’t quite call it "The Ultimate Disaster Movie", but "Bean" was pretty good. Put it this way – I judge any comedy that makes me almost spit out what I’m eating to be a good comedy. But the real highlight of the outing was that this weekend’s celebrity spotted  ... [More]


How to get fired

Work is pretty quiet at the moment – in fact dead sometimes. The other day some of us were discussing strategies for dealing with the quiet spells. Like learning to sleep with your eyes open. The theory is, if you leave one hand on your mouse, and run a program on your computer that would  ... [More]


To the snow!

I forgot to mention my weekend. Saturday was just your average day, bumming around the neighbourhood, a little shopping in the city (oh, we did spot Poppy King skulking in Myer). On Sunday we set out to catch the Steamrail Snow Train. It only stopped a couple of times before reaching Moe, and we went  ... [More]


My life as a sardine

The trains have been pretty crowded in the past week or two. My understanding is that government and unions are still squabbling ("We want this!" "Well you can’t have it!" "Can!" "Can’t!" "Can!" "Can’t!"…) and there’s some bans over train repairs so a bunch get cancelled every peak hour instead of getting repaired. The guys  ... [More]


Okay Whitmans, I give in

All right Whitman’s, I give in. You’ve been sending your blimp after me for months now, it’s followed me so much that I can hardly look into the sky without seeing it proclaiming "Whitmans Chocolates" at me. Well, I’ve had enough. I give in. I surrender. I have bought some Whitmans. And I’m eating them  ... [More]



Well, quite amazing, the newspapers have been delivered absolutely immaculately for the past week or so. They’re even put in the mailbox, rather than being thrown all over the driveway. Anybody would think the newsagent had read what I wrote about him!



Well Rugby arrived in Melbourne with a bang this weekend. The Bledisloe Cup – Australia versus New Zealand, played to about 90,000 people last night at the MCG. And all served by three pie sellers, which I thought was impressive. Actually it’s just as well the roving sellers don’t sell beer too. At least people  ... [More]