
A confession

I have a confession to make – particularly to those of you reading who know me personally. This is not something that it’s easy to admit. I’m afraid my friends might not understand how I could change like this. They might desert me, but I have to face up to what I have done, right  ... [More]



For ages now I’ve been saying that I should take the effort and learn to drive. Here I am, 27 years of age and I’ve never learnt. Hey, I never got round to it, okay? Well, I’ve finally decided that even if I don’t intend to go out and buy a car straight away, I  ... [More]


All the latest

From time I write a little piece updating some of the things I’ve mentioned previously. And right now seems like as good a time as any to do so. Our local "Variety" store, having proclaimed in July that they were having a "Closing Down Sale", closed its doors for the last time over the weekend.  ... [More]


Daniel the anarchist

While doing a little Egosurfing last week (Egosurf means to look on the Web for references to your own pages) I found this web page: Anybody who knows absolutely anything about HTML can spot straight off that it’s an extremely badly constructed page – in fact if you go to the page, it will  ... [More]


Serrano, Christ and me

In recent years I’ve become fiercely proud of my country, and the city I live in, Melbourne. Not the kind of swollen chest, flag-waving, shouting "we’re bloody great!" pride, more the kind of subtle, lump in my throat when I hear a Paul Kelly song pride. This is especially the case since I married an  ... [More]


Around and around

WARNING: The following diary entry contains material that may reveal to your kids some facts about Daisy The Dairy Cow that they’d prefer not to know. Have you ever gone through the day with that really annoying moronic top ten dance single that you heard on the radio just before you left the house, going  ... [More]



Every week we enter Tattslotto. (Gawd, I’m getting old, aren’t I.) Actually, to be entirely accurate, every Saturday afternoon we remember that we were going to enter Tattslotto, and we umm and ahh about taking the card down and entering. "Should I take it down. Aww, but it’s raining, I can’t be bothered. Oh, but  ... [More]


Just another boring week

Here we are at the end of the week again. I’m just trying to figure out if anything interesting happened to me by looking back through my actual, physical, paper diary. I suppose you could call this thing you’re reading the virtual diary, if you go in for all that virtual this and virtual that  ... [More]


The day the world of music changed

Saturday found us wandering around Flemington Racecourse, though due to various family illnesses we could just as well call it Phlegmington. We were trying to find where on earth in the complex my friend Stewart’s kids’ band Jump 2 It would be making their first public appearance. Luckily we eventually found them (or to be  ... [More]

Geek Working life

Daniel is happy

I’m in an astoundingly good mood today. My week started off really crappily. You know the saga… boring job doing literally nothing… contracted until 21/11… can’t escape early. But no matter, ‘cos I got the most brilliant news last night. For the first time in the universe’s recorded history, somebody is going to pay me  ... [More]

Working life


Those people selling The Big Issue can be quite innovative. It’s a wonder some of them aren’t earning large amounts of money in advertising. On the steps of the GPO today at lunchtime, I found a skinhead selling it doing the Macarena to attract attention. If I’d had $2 in change, I would have bought  ... [More]


Kids’ stuff

Today we zipped around St Kilda, showing our support for the locals, obviously still reeling from yesterday’s Grand Final loss. Shocking as it may seem, there seemed to be a lot of Crows supporters around, seemingly gloating, wearing their team colours. So we decked a few and came home. Nahhhhh… <Mr Burns voice> "Let them  ... [More]