
The art of hat disposal

An interesting weekend; we had a house guest, one of my brother-in-law’s friends, Aaron, the type of house guest that gives a good name to house guests. Unfortunately he was only in town for just 36 hours. Hardly enough time to see very much, but he managed to see plenty.  We did the usual touristy  ... [More]


Another mention

Letters section of today’s Age: Actually, I wouldn’t go that far. Grateful? People were paid after all – some of them quite substantial sums of money, I’ll bet. Unless it all went to the consulting firms they worked for. Wish it was this easy to get my web page mentioned in the newspaper.


Daniel the crank

Letters section of today’s Age: I always feel like a bit of a crank when I e-mail the newspaper, but jeez, some of the other people who offer their opinions in it are so stupid…

Melbourne News and events

End of the world

Welcome to the year two thousand. The very fact that you’re reading these words probably means that the dreaded Y2K bug didn’t eventuate. At least, not in a huge way. I’m sure the residents of Hobart and Adelaide aren’t too disappointed that their bus ticket machines stopped working for a while. (Oh, commiserations if you’re  ... [More]

Geek News and events

Y2K eve

Well, here we finally are, the eve of the year 2000. Will the Y2K bug (design decision, actually) destroy civilisation as we know it? Somehow I doubt it. I think there’s going to be a lot of embarrassed survivalists on Monday, humming and haa-ing and wondering what on earth they’re going to do with all  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

Christmas time already

Well, it was a sometimes cloudy, sometimes sunny Christmas. We woke early, let the kids unwrap their presents, throw paper around and generally make a big mess of the livingroom, which is definitely a Christmas tradition. For lunch we went over to my mum’s boyfriend Peter’s place and sat in the garden and stuffed ourselves  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones Melbourne

One sleep ’til Christmas

Well, just one sleep until Christmas… the gifts have been procured – well, all but one, which is somewhere between being ordered from an online music site and being physically delivered to the mailbox. Oh yeah, and I really must try and get them wrapped in the next few hours… Father Christmas aka Santa has  ... [More]

News and events

The Age letter

Couldn’t resist having a swipe when I saw this article in Saturday’s Age.  


God bless the library

I hit pay dirt at the library on Sunday. Earlier in the year I’d been looking for a book… not a book essential to my work or way of life, but a book I was reasonably keen to borrow and read. It was out and overdue. So I bided my time, I waited for it  ... [More]

Home life Working life

The home office

While other Australians are off seeing the world, some of them journeying off to obtain the world championship titles in cricket, netball, hockey, rugby union, baseball or tennis, I’m just sitting at home. Working from home in fact. Yep, new job, new challenges. I only started doing this a couple of weeks ago, so it’s  ... [More]


Eccentrics anonymous

I was socialising a bit on Saturday, and met an elderly couple who I’d heard were a bit quirky, particularly in the food department, but who in person seemed quite nice and normal. Until someone mentioned airline food. These two were visiting Australia from (insert name of far away continent here – heck, they’re all  ... [More]

Food'n'drink Friends and loved ones TV

"I can’t feel my legs"

Went to a bit of a buck’s night on Saturday. A bit of a pub crawl through the city. There was one casualty of the evening, and it all happened before we even started! By the time we were in the restaurant chowing down some delicious Mongolian food, our missing comrade had already managed to  ... [More]