
Corporate woes

You might think that the big monolithic corporations are the ones who got that way by giving their customers what they want, and taking vast amounts of cash in the process. But it seems to me that some big corporations get so big that they move so slow that it’s a wonder that they’re still  ... [More]



One of my challenges as Primary Caregiver to two young kids is shoving enough nutritious food down them each day to keep them healthy and growing. And I think I’ve worked out now that it’s all a matter of packaging. For instance, (ignoring my version of the food pyramid for a moment) we all know  ... [More]


She’s back

For those of you following my domestic adventures, early on Monday morning, L came back to Melbourne. She’d rung a few days earlier and said she’d be coming back. We met up with her for a little while on the way home from the airport. I suppose it was to be expected – I knew  ... [More]


Melbourne from a 747

We celebrated Isaac’s fifth birthday with chocolate cake, presents and lots of running around in the park. Then we somehow managed to pack up all our gear back into the backpack and headed (over the bridge once again, naturally) to the airport. There was no queue at all for check-in, and we had to double-check  ... [More]


From Central to Milson’s Point

Just passing through Town Hall station again… with a good view of people’s feet Those Sydney Cityrail people just don’t like any fun Luna Park Sydney: is there an amusement park anywhere in the world with a better view? We headed back into central Sydney, bound for the totally awesome Powerhouse Museum. It’s a mish-mash  ... [More]


Sydney from a 737

The standard tourist piccies – Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House The monorail, which goes round… and round… and round… Riding the ferry back to Neutral Bay – Susannah, Isaac, me and Jeremy We got up bright and early to go to the airport. Our destination: Sy-d-ney, to stay with my sister, Susannah, for a  ... [More]


Domestic science experiments

If you can have "domestic science", which I am fast becoming experienced at, then why can’t you have domestic science experiments? Well you can. One day last week I was curious to answer once and for all the question of whether or not the fridge light goes off when you close the door. After neglecting  ... [More]


Here comes Kitten Kon

Goodies Geeks from around the nation (and a couple from overseas) converged on Melbourne this weekend for the world’s first ever Goodies convention. Australia is full of people in their twenties and thirties who fondly remember The Goodies as the result of endless 6pm repeats on the ABC for most of the 70’s and 80’s.  ... [More]



Just when I thought all of the moving stuff was sorted out, and at least the phone lines were working properly… On Tuesday morning, my second (Internet) line kept dropping out. Three times in just a few hours; most unusual. Were aliens trying to cut me off from the outside world? Midday. I picked up  ... [More]


Goody goody yum yum

Well the boxes are just about unpacked and the spare room is looking halfway decent(ish) again, which is just as well because my sister and her boyfriend are coming to visit tomorrow night. The really good news is that the real estate agent managed to find some people to move into the other flat over  ... [More]


Getting organised

Boxes, boxes, everywhere This past week I’ve been getting things organised, doing all the stuff I need to fully move back. The other flat, for one thing, the one I was living in for about four weeks before I moved back here! I went in to see the agents, and explained I had to finish  ... [More]


Life is good!

The Bowens: revised configuration Life as a single dad is going reasonably smoothly. It’s refreshing to be able to run the house the way I want. At last we can leave the toilet seat up without guilt! Other things we’ve been doing have included: spending a whole weekend without going near a Lincraft or Spotlight  ... [More]