Working life

A taxing time

Argh. Damn tax. Here we are, the 28th of October, and my tax return is due in 3 days. This would normally not be so much of a problem, but after having moved, I fear the relevant paperwork is strewn in various obscure locations right around the house. Okay so maybe I’m worrying too much  ... [More]

Film TV

Silver is the new black

Instant movie review: Intolerable Cruelty. Didn’t seem as deep and complex as, say,O Brother, but very enjoyable, some great dialogue, some great laughs. Black vs. silver The topic of the colour of home entertainment equipment came up at Tony’s on Saturday. (Along with some other topics, including an innuendo-laden comment Tony would rather everybody forgot  ... [More]


To do

My sister says she was sitting at home in West London on Friday when she saw three Concorde fly past. That would be a sight to see. Warning: gardening in progress Okay, to business. Apart from ENJOYING myself this weekend, I also need to do the following: mow the front garden and nature strip (in  ... [More]


Both sides of the coin

This morning I did the direct action human pop-up thang, helping to hand out brochures at Melbourne Central about the impending closure of the station’s busiest exit, so they can detour people around via the shops – the greedy money grabbers! Reactions from passing commuters included: indifference (understandable when you’re the third person to try  ... [More]


Barbie, weather and vicars

Well I didn’t get invited to Howard & Bush’s barbie, so I went to work today instead. (Still, it doesn’t sound like a real Australian barbecue – no mention of snags fried to a blackened crisp). Funny weather. Initially out this morning, it was drizzly. Then stopped back past home, just cloudy. Left for work,  ... [More]


Lost in a painting of Escher

I was wandering around Melbourne University on Sunday. Oh, sorry, it’s notMelbourne University, is it. No no, it’s the University Of Melbourne. Yeah. Great. I had gotten off the train at the Central Station of Melbourne, and caught a tram up the Street of Swanston. I was looking for the South Lawn. It had looked  ... [More]


News most dire from the place of Meyer

I bring dire news. The Waiters Restaurant seems to be sliding downhill. This has been a regular haunt of mine for over a decade now, and what it lost in cramped surroundings it made up for in atmosphere and the food. Ooh, the food. But last Thursday night a bunch of us trooped along for  ... [More]


Memo to self

INTERNAL MEMORANDUM DATE: 18/10/2003 FROM: Daniel Bowen TO: Daniel Bowen SUBJECT: Door to door When allowing house to bask in warm weather on a gloriously sunny Saturday morning, keep security door locked as defence against door to door sellers. Note poor visibility through security door for those looking in, reasonable visibility when looking out. Use  ... [More]



The sun setting behind Melbourne Central last night. Click for the full size image. (Yes, that is the reflection of my hand you can see).


Horn habits

Yesterday I used my car horn in anger. I was merrily driving down the road. The sun was shining, the road was almost clear of traffic; it could have been a car commercial, apart from the fact that my car is 10 years old and has started making that noise again – insert rant about  ... [More]


Melbourne Central wants your money

Now I wouldn’t normally mix business with pleasure like this, but I can imagine a lot of Melbourne people will be affected by this. Melbourne Central, in their wisdom, have decided that people getting off trains and going about their business do so far too easily, and they’d like to send them on a merry  ... [More]



I promise, I tried to get to bed early last night. It had been a long day. I tried. Didn’t quite make it, but I’ve had later bedtimes on work nights, so there you go. Anyway I was happily snoozing, until I suddenly woke. Outside it was light. I lay there for a minute or  ... [More]