Clothes Film Friends and loved ones Sport

The party shirt

Friday night DVD: School Of Rock. Not at all deep, and obviously a Jack Black post-High-Fidelity star vehicle, but very funny, very enjoyable. I rang the bank to ask what happened with my alarm clock points reward thing I ordered. The lady told me it would take up to 28 days to arrive. TWENTY EIGHT  ... [More]

Here is my Memes rule, pass it on Photos

Here is my bathroom cabinet

Here is my rather unnattractive chocolate brown bathroom cabinet. All the bathroom features are chocolate brown plastic. That’s what comes from renting a house I suppose. As usual you can pause your mouse over various bits to see text about it. (Sorry Firefox users, for some reason you’ll only see the first few words unless  ... [More]


Meaningless numbers

Number of days until the next Here Is My meme entry: 2. (The plan is to post one every Sunday). Have your cameras ready! Number of people I’ve seen on the train this week reading The Da Vinci Code: 4 5 — including two in the same carriage. Number of TV shows I endeavour to  ... [More]


Dial 1900-RIPOFF

I was glancing at my mobile phone bill, trying to make sense of a 3 minute 41 second call that cost me $13.62 (inc GST). The number said 1902226218, which I didn’t initially recognise, and had two calls listed against it at the same time. How could this make sense? I was going to ring  ... [More]


Web design rant

Dear web site designers, Don’t design your whole site in Flash. Use it sparingly. Use it when you have to. If you use it, there’d better be a non-Flash way of looking at the same information, for people who can’t see Flash and for search engines (you know, those things which bring people to your  ... [More]

News and events

Burying the past?

With recent accusations that IBM punch-card machines were used by the Nazis to more efficiently bring about the Holocaust, I was just pondering how companies who have had less than illustrious histories document events they’d rather forget about. WW2 footage often shows German forces driving Mercedes trucks. In their truck history, they talk about the  ... [More]

Culture Politics and activism

Did we get fooled again?

Last night I found myself watching some of the Concert For NYC, in particular The Who’s performance. I’m still not going to splurge out on their forthcoming concert (dubbed rather cruelly by one friend as “Who’s left?”). But this four song performance from 2001 is great music. And remembering it in context, very moving, a  ... [More]



The problems with going to the movies at Chadstone on a Friday night are: There is no parking on the “entertainment precinct” side of the centre at 8pm on a Friday. Well that is, there are plenty of parking spaces, but every one of them is taken. There are, of course, no buses running. Oh,  ... [More]


What’s the point?

Before the bank changed the credit card bonus points regime yesterday and halved the number of frequent flyer points you can swap them for, I swapped almost all of them. I was kind of hoping I’d have enough to one day go over to Europe on points. Or if part of a bigger expedition, at  ... [More]

Here is my Memes rule, pass it on Photos

Here is my fridge

And now, courtesy of my day off yesterday, here is my fridge. Move your mouse around over it to see the captions. Ren reckons this would make a good Meme. Yeah, why not. Go for it guys, do your fridges this week, Trackback/leave comments. And I’ll come up with another one for next weekend.

Working life


I’ve got the day off. I’ve got the day off. I’ve got the day off. And you probably haven’t. Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah.

Geek transport

The thrill is gone

SMS used to be exciting. It could be a greeting from my jetsetting sister, anywhere in the world… or my mate the tour guide, also in exotic places. It’s lost its mystique. Particularly on weekdays, it’s no fun anymore. Here’s why. I know it’s optional, in these dark days certainly useful, and it’s all part  ... [More]