Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from October 2009

Here’s another in my series of old photos out of the vault from ten years ago. We went to Bendigo for a couple of days, so here are a couple of snaps from that trip. The only time I saw Powderfinger live was this “surprise” gig in Federation Square. (A surprise except a lot of  ... [More]


The ups and downs of escalators

It’s not your imagination. Some City Loop escalators are running slower in peak hour. Normally: Fast in peak, slow off-peak Normal practice (for decades now) is to run the Loop station escalators at a reasonable clip during peak hour, and set to slow down outside peak. This is pretty annoying for many of those catching  ... [More]

Net Toxic Custard newsletter

The end of Toxic Custard

Before blogging and the web, there was email and Usenet and FTP sites. Just over 29 years ago I started writing online, sending out literal undergraduate humour to mates at Monash University and beyond mostly via email, under the truly ridiculous name “Toxic Custard“. It got into the student newspaper, then in 1996 it went  ... [More]

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How much would trains every ten minutes cost?

One of the gaping holes in Melbourne’s public transport system is the lack of an all-day every day frequent service on the backbone: the Metro suburban train network. Melbourne is one of the few cities in the world, outside North America, which doesn’t have frequent all day trains. Other Australian cities are moving towards this.  ... [More]


Big changes proposed for the City Loop

A Metro (MTM) proposal has emerged for big changes to the operation of the City Loop for trains running through the Caulfield and Burnley tunnels. The page below is from a document discussing CBD station capacity implications from the introduction of the High Capacity Metro Trains. I’m told the document is genuine. It reveals that  ... [More]

Consumerism Toxic Custard newsletter Working life

Does your super match your values?

The wave of climate protests (the Climate Strike a few weeks ago, and to a lesser extent the Extinction Rebellion last week) are a good reminder that although our current political masters (especially at the Federal level in Australia) are keen to do nothing, pretty soon a large mass of people who want action will  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago transport

Myki ten years on, and photos from the test centre

This is part two of my ten year old photos from September 2009. At the time, Myki had been launched in regional cities, and was about to start in Melbourne. Ahead of the wider rollout, I got to look around the Myki test centre, which was fascinating. Around the place were lots of test cards  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from September 2009

Oops, I managed to miss posting ten year old photos in September. Better late than never, here they are – at least here is part one – I’ve got a special part two coming up soon. Centre Place, always lovely. I notice the sign about when it’s closed to vehicles – it’d be a brave  ... [More]

driving transport

Hey Google, tell me where to go

My car has a spot in the central console area thingy that looks like it has been designed to store your mobile phone so you can kind of see the screen while driving, for navigational purposes. At least, the manual doesn’t seem to document its purpose, and I can’t figure out what else it could  ... [More]


Map: How the 2015 zone changes affected train patronage

It’s well known that the Free Tram Zone worsened CBD tram crowding, but the package of fare reforms implemented in 2015 (planned by the Napthine government, matched by Labor) also capped zone 1+2 fares at zone 1 prices. This removed a long-time bugbear in the fare system: the huge jump from going over the zone  ... [More]


It only took eight years

It’s a miracle! Back in 2011, the train information on this Smartbus sign at Bentleigh station was switched off. In 2016 during the level crossing removal project, the bus stop and sign were removed, then put back. For a while the sign wasn’t working, but then the bus times were switched on. But not the  ... [More]


Remembering James Coppell Lee

I was in Brighton Cemetery on Saturday (long story) and noticed this statue from a distance, so thought I’d have a look. Someone famous? Not really. A young man, tragically drowned off Mornington. The statue was made by his workmates. Thanks to Trove, I found quite a detailed report of the accident. FISHING BOAT OVERTURNS.YOUNG  ... [More]