
Kill Bill

Finally saw both volumes of Kill Bill over the weekend. Volume one… every martial arts film ever known meets The Holy Grail Black Knight meets Spaghetti Westerns. Maybe my sensitivity for such things is diminishing, or maybe it was because it was so completely over-the-top, but it wasn’t quite as violent as I expected it  ... [More]

Here is my Photos

Here is my washing machine

Here is my washing machine. I’m at DEFCON-3 with the washing machine actually. It’s been misbehaving the last few days, and I hope it’s not about to give up the ghost. Rather than the healthy whir and zoom of the spin cycle, it splutters and whirs without zooming. At least sometimes. Consequently it doesn’t dry  ... [More]


Girl’s eye for the straight guy

I’m not the most fashionable person on the planet, but I’m not the least either. Somewhere in the middle. I know I’m in the need for something of a wardrobe upgrade, and I’ll take any (good) advice I can get, especially in the casual clothes department. I think I’m okay at the business clobber, but  ... [More]


When the rain comes

Pouring rain, strong winds… yesterday was a good day to test the capabilities of your umbrella. I myself have a number of brollies. The new micro umbrella I keep in my briefcase is small enough to carry anywhere in a pocket, but not big enough to provide the best of protection from the elements. So  ... [More]


Let’s be careful out there

An American flight attendant who kept a semi-anonymous blog has been suspended without pay by her airline after posting pictures of herself in uniform. Not the first person to get into trouble from blogging, and probably won’t be the last. Be careful out there, folks. Contrast: on the rise of corporate-sponsored employee blogs

music Ranting


(Note: exaggerated whinging) A gaggle of teenage girls on the train yesterday morning, joyfully debating the benefits of getting off at Malvern or Flinders Street. (huh? They’re miles apart). It eventually became clear that they were heading to St Kilda. (Why not any of the myriad of other stations then?) But then they started on  ... [More]

Consumerism Melbourne

The Temple of Crap

Among the antique shops (or approximations — the third was noted to have a Simpsons promotional book on sale… not quite fitting my definition of antique) we visited on Sunday was the Masonic temple in Newport. It’s too big to be merely a shop, and they sell all kinds of stuff, not just antiques, so  ... [More]


Late night shopping

After a busy but thoroughly enjoyable weekend (which included three dinners, one lunch, two breakfasts at breakfast time, one of which included three samplings of chocolate honey on crumpets, one breakfast at lunchtime, three dog walks, many cups of tea, one relative welcomed back from overseas, three antique shops, one DVD, two iced chocolates, much  ... [More]


It’s a long way to the shop

…if you want a sausage roll. (Let there be No Stopping on the Laneway To Hell.)

Home life


Maybe I’ll buy my mum a new phone for Christmas. She really needs a new one. I was trying to have a conversation with her, and it was hopeless. Me: [blah blah, telling her something] She: Pardon? Me: [Repeat] She: I can’t hear you. I’m on the bus. (Not sure why the bus is relevant,  ... [More]

Home life

Time to sort out the laundry

Time to sort out the laundry.

Ranting transport

Indicator rant

Look, I know it’s hard to use your car’s indicators properly. Having that little switch so close to your hands on the steering wheel, and remembering to use it to… err… indicate… obviously there isn’t enough training in this when learning to drive. I’ll give you a few specific hints though. To the guy in  ... [More]