Home life

I Can’t Believe It’s Not Winter!

36 hours or so of constant rain. (Ah, stopped at last). Cold last night. I lit the pilot light and turned the heater on for a while. In February. I noticed the kitchen ceiling is leaking. Surely that can’t be good. Thankfully it’s only minor, at least so far. One of the fences is leaning  ... [More]


The Office USA

Hmmmmmm. NBC is re-making the seminal Britcom The Office, and they’ve just put a preview on their web site. You can certainly tell it’s The Office, and I don’t think anybody who’s ever seen the original would look upon it favourably. But who knows, there could be a huge potential audience out there who haven’t  ... [More]

Home life


We lost power tonight. A bit of excitement. No telly, no computer, no internet for a while. No lights either. Out with the torches. Find some working batteries. Rang up the power company. Recorded message knew all about my suburb, and proclaimed that very intelligent super-skilled technicians were already investigating, and they expected to have  ... [More]

Film Politics and activism

Fahrenheit 911

Fahrenheit 911. Controversial? A tad, yes. Finally got to see this on Friday, just a day or two before the long-awaited Iraqi elections. The stuff about the business relationship between the Bush family, their friends and the various oil interests in the region was very interesting. I can’t agree with Moore’s visions of a peaceful,  ... [More]



I’m going to go waaaaay out on a limb here. Shoot me down in flames if you like. I don’t think putting your elbows on the table is bad manners any more. I remember being told not to put my elbows on the table when I was a kid, but I think times have changed.  ... [More]

Here is my Photos

Here is my garden of weeds

Here is my garden full of weeds. The weeds are fairly intelligent of course, and lay down out of the way when they see the mower coming. I’ve done some weeding by hand in the past week, and those areas look a lot better. But it’s far too much like hard work, so I need  ... [More]


Melway madness

Let me get this straight… There’s a Brunswick Street in Fitzroy. There’s a Fitzroy Street in St Kilda. There’s a St Kilda Street in Elwood. There’s an Elwood Avenue in Sunshine. There’s a Sunshine Street in Oakleigh. There’s an Oakleigh Road in Ormond. And there’s an Ormond Street in Brunswick. (Brunswick again? Uh oh, infinite  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones Home life

Four men and a couch

Four men (and some onlookers), a couch, one right-angled hallway, and two doors. Actually, not strictly a couch, but a sofa-bed, which means it was the awkward couch shape, but 50% more weight. Somehow it had got in there. Nobody seemed sure how. Apparently it had been done by Paid Professionals from the furniture shop.  ... [More]

Culture Photos

Here is my fifty cents

Happy Australia Day.


The humungatron

It bugs me sometimes to see those huge 4WD/SUVs rolling down the road, like every other car carrying the average 1.1 persons, and burning up way more petrol than is necessary and blocking everyone else’s view. So it’s somewhat comforting to read this followup to the article in The Age Good Weekend a few months  ... [More]

Home life

Pain in the grass

I did some weeding last night. All over the back garden, there’s hundreds of these bloody weed things. Every week or two they’ll flower, and look quite decorative. But they’re still weeds. The push mower can’t handle them. They see it coming, lie down, then pop back up again when it’s gone past. Well, most  ... [More]

Here is my Photos

Here is my driver’s licence

Actually the caption says “Driver Licence” … hmm, okay. Has Victorian government hologrammatic things all over it, somewhat obscuring the picture. No loss really. Feel free to post a picture of your driver licence… Link in the Trackbacks or comments. Move your mouse over the picture for descriptions of various bits (note Firefox may abbreviate.  ... [More]