Doctor Who Home life

Another weekend gone

Another weekend gone. In summary: Helping with painting, which given it involved a liberal application of Lean Lemon, has left a certain U2 song revolving in my brain. Absolute shocker in the footy tipping — 3 out of 8. Bah. Inadvertently left a spot of honey on the kitchen counter. It took about 30 hours,  ... [More]


To Origin Energy

Dear Origin energy, I’m not interested in switching electricity companies. Not that it would really be a switch, since the power coming down the lines to my house wouldn’t change at all. No, all I’d be switching is who sends me power bills. And unless you’re about to tell me that your bills are so  ... [More]

Doctor Who Geek

TV in the global village

The ABC has finally announced it will show Doctor Who, starting in May (I’m betting 7:30pm on Saturday or Sunday nights). Meanwhile a new study has shown Australians increasingly downloading TV programmes via the Net, and I think it correctly identifies the cause: viewer frustration with the time the networks take to broadcast overseas programs.  ... [More]

Photos transport

The station by the sea



The other day I watched in amazement as a tram, bell ringing repeatedly, bore down on two people walking along in front of it, oblivious to its presence. They were trying to get to the tram stop, and somehow thought walking along the tracks was the best way of doing so. One of them looked  ... [More]

Home life

The ants are back

Winter is coming. I can tell because the ants are back, looking for food. Last night they found my honey stash. I had several jars of honey in the cupboard (including about a third of a jar left of the famed chocolate honey). They found it all, the little bastards. Obviously the jar manufacturers need  ... [More]

Geek Melbourne

End of another weekend

Just when you’ve got used to the new year, used to the idea of it being 2005, the year picks up momentum and voom, suddenly it’s April. I’d love to tell you how I blitzed the footy tipping for a second week, but I’d be lying. Not only did I bomb out with only 4  ... [More]


April Fools Day 2005

April Fools Day 2005 Well, I didn’t do a prank this year, like in 2004… but various people and companies did. In the newspapers were Virgin’s scratch and sniff credit card and Mini’s Roof Down Squad. They were also out at Parliament Station with their open top Minis and megaphones, drowning out the evangelist bloke  ... [More]

Geek music

The iPod returneth

Around this time last week, I checked the Apple web site for the status of my iPod repair. It proclaimed that they’d sent it back to me, and had a link to a rather nifty Australia Post parcel-tracking web site. Which didn’t work. But no matter, once Easter was out of the way, I got  ... [More]

Home life

In the garden

The garden is looking somewhat chaotic at the moment. I got home on Saturday to find the owners had dropped in to do a little yard work. To be precise, the Triffid-like plant that has been slowly taking over the whole house has been chopped down, removed entirely. Well, removed from the ground that is,  ... [More]

Doctor Who

Behind the sofa

It’s said that kids used to watch Doctor Who from behind the sofa. Well in our house, it’s not possible to get behind the sofa, so we have to make do. Jeremy watching the first of the new Doctor Who episodes. We watched the first episode of the new series. The special effects were pretty  ... [More]


Vale Hessie

Vale Paul Hester. Pic: Ren Jonas / Update 8:30pm. I first read about this in the paper this morning. It didn’t quite sink in until later. It’s one thing when a musician much older than you passes away… it’s another matter when it’s one who is almost your own generation, and at only 46.  ... [More]