
New platforms at Southern Cross

When Southern Cross Station was built/renovated/unnecessarily renamed, someone made the wise decision to include provision for an extra two platforms: 15 and 16. These are now being built as part of the (possibly otherwise ill-fated) Regional Rail Link project, and seem to be progressing nicely. July 2010: Last week: There’s a catch. It’s the big  ... [More]


Quick review of the new Metro timetables

So, the new Metro timetables are out, and those of us with geeky tendencies have been poring over them. (As one journo commented, it must take a special kind of person to work on these things for months on end.) Here’s my summary: In the west Altona Loop trains originate at Laverton, meaning a lot  ... [More]


At last, escalator signage

Years ago there were “Stand on left / Walk on right” signs on the escalators at Melbourne’s underground stations. They disappeared about ten years ago. While regulars know the etiquette, newbies and occasional users don’t, which causes frustration for those in a rush, particularly outside peak hours when the escalators (for some reason) run at  ... [More]


Commuter Club Myki

Last week I started using my shiny new Commuter Club Myki. It’s worked well, and as I would expect it… with some exceptions, documented in this short video: 1. It beeps twice at the readers. This is the case at the standalone readers, on trams and buses and at Myki gates (currently seen at Parliament  ... [More]

Consumerism transport

Southern Cross Station gets Chromed

I was impressed enough by the Google Chrome advertising at suburban railway stations, such as this poster at South Yarra. Then someone told me Southern Cross Station had also had a Chrome makeover. Sure enough… Apparently this Internet thingummy-wotsit has some money behind it. (Note the banners along the sides of the upper deck.)


Yesterday’s Myki stuff-up: Who is Hannah Whiting?

For an hour or two yesterday, a number of people with multiple cards on their Myki accounts found that one or more of those cards were registered to Hannah Whiting. Upon advising the Transport Ticketing Authority of it, they managed to fix it pretty quickly, but it’s not yet clear what caused it. I wonder  ... [More]


Should the City Loop reverse at lunchtime?

It’s taken me longer than I thought to get this post to something approximating shipshape. I’m not sure it’s perfect yet. Reminder: the views expressed on my personal blog do not necessarily represent the views of the PTUA. Following on from previous posts about the Loop, the next question is: Should the City Loop reverse  ... [More]

transport Video games

Three brief PT things

Yearly: Beat the price rise Just bought my new Yearly ticket via PTUA Commuter Club. It’ll take a couple of weeks to arrive, but it means I’ll beat the March 12th price rise. PTUA Commuter Club Yearly plus membership: Z1 = $1090 (order by end of Feb; payment must clear by March 3rd). Will go  ... [More]


Looping the loop

Reminder: the views expressed on my personal blog do not necessarily represent the views of the PTUA. So, the result of the poll a few days ago was: Run some lines via the Loop, some direct to Flinders St: 129 (66.8%) Run each line half via the Loop, half direct to Flinders St: 57 (29.5%)  ... [More]


Under the clocks

Some of the clocks at Flinders Street Station need updating. If they managed to update the leftmost clock to say “Pakenham and Cranbourne” (the Cranbourne line opened in 1995), why can’t they update the “St Albans” one to say “Sydenham”? (Actually, wait a year or two and then change it to “Sunbury“.) Update 9am: Oh  ... [More]

Consumerism transport

Why is Metro allowing this advertising in its stations?

I suppose it’s inevitable that if you sell advertising space, sometimes you’ll be allowing advertising for your competitors. And advertising for cars is commonly found on public transport. But some of Nissan’s advertising around Flinders Street station goes a step further by directly criticising the public transport it is competing with, with slogans such as  ... [More]


Monthly ticket costs

Remember this post a while back where I tried to figure out how many days in a month you need to travel to make Monthly tickets a worthwhile purchase? Turns out in many other cities around the world, a Monthly ticket is a no-brainer purchase, even if you work 4 days a week, even if  ... [More]