Most PT in Victoria now has real time departure and crowding info, but you wonโt find it all in the official PTV app
Category: transport
All forms of transport, including gunzelly
A coach stop somewhere
V/Line coach stops and dead running in the middle of nowhere
Andrews’ transport legacy
Daniel Andrews has resigned as Victoria’s Premier. It’s hard to think of bigger changes to Melbourne’s public transport infrastructure in recent decades than what we’ve seen since 2014 when he became Premier. Dozens of level crossing removals (and rail lines and stations rebuilt) and the Metro tunnel nearing completion. The level crossing program was particularly ... [More]
Weekend PT not matching travel demand
Comparing Melbourne travel demand data with PT timetable data shows weekends are woefully under-serviced compared to weekdays.
MEL bounces back
There’s some interesting stuff in this new Inside Infrastructure podcast with Melbourne Airport CEO Lorie Argus. I’ll forgive the trio of out-of-towners for not knowing the name of Melbourne’s most popular street directory, the Melway. (Gregory’s? Puh-leeze.) But apart from that, a couple of interesting things grabbed me… Firstly, about 400 people work for the ... [More]
London Superloop and Melbourne SRL
Suburban Rail Loop is five years old today, but is a decade away from opening. London has taken a different path for its new orbital route.
Letters and numbers
Given the Metro tunnel will result in a lot more people interchanging between lines, now is a good time to think about line naming
It’s possible to find Myki machines and regular route buses at Melbourne Airport – but it’s a bit of a walk.
The XPT soldiers on
XPT trains are set to be replaced in coming years… but the new fleet won’t have sleepers.
It’s not Montague Street, but trucks keep hitting this low bridge
New Glen Huntly station
It looks pretty good – except that the design leads almost everybody to the far southern end of the platform.
Metro tunnel reaches a milestone
The first test trains have entered the Metro tunnel