Here is my Memes rule, pass it on Photos

Here is the inside of my car

Here’s the inside of my car, not quite from the driver’s position. As usual, hold your mouse over stuff in the picture to read about them. (Anybody know why Firefox only shows the first few words — and can this be fixed?!) Want to post yours? Link in the Trackbacks or comments. Past photos in  ... [More]

Here is my Memes rule, pass it on Photos

Here is my dresser

Well, after the flop of last week’s “Here is my” photo, something a little more socially acceptable (and convenient to snap). The dresser. Ah, the joys of faux-pioneer-style furniture. I’d love to claim it’s not usually this untidy, but it would be a big fat lie. Want to post yours? Link in the Trackbacks or  ... [More]

Here is my Memes rule, pass it on Photos

Here is my toilet (at work)

Here is the toilet at work. It’s quite stylish actually. Although work is on a public floor of the building, the toilets are locked, secured by carefully guarded keys. Which is a pain sometimes, to be honest — no secrets from your colleagues when you waltz out the door with the key in your hand.  ... [More]


Hello possums!

Where once were bats, now are possums. They seemed to be eating. Don’t know what — the tree is devoid of leaves. No doubt a little later tonight they’ll be merrily running riot somewhere up in my ceiling.

Here is my Memes rule, pass it on Photos

Here is my bathroom cabinet

Here is my rather unnattractive chocolate brown bathroom cabinet. All the bathroom features are chocolate brown plastic. That’s what comes from renting a house I suppose. As usual you can pause your mouse over various bits to see text about it. (Sorry Firefox users, for some reason you’ll only see the first few words unless  ... [More]

Here is my Memes rule, pass it on Photos

Here is my fridge

And now, courtesy of my day off yesterday, here is my fridge. Move your mouse around over it to see the captions. Ren reckons this would make a good Meme. Yeah, why not. Go for it guys, do your fridges this week, Trackback/leave comments. And I’ll come up with another one for next weekend.

Here is my Memes rule, pass it on Photos

My desk (at home)

I’m always more than willing to steal a good idea when I see it.

Geek Photos

Friday snippets

A flurry of activity at the school yesterday when I dropped the kids off, as a film crew had arrived to record a public service advert to go to air later in the year. SunSmart, or healthy eating, or exercise, one of those types of things. They had wheeled in actors to play the main  ... [More]

Geek Photos


Just another day in the (network) neighbourhood. Thanks to Tony for the tip-off. (Tattersalls building, Dandenong Road, Caulfield/East Malvern)



It must be the month of May.

Photos Politics and activism PTUA

Troublemakers at the station


The Easter Spirit

Easter Monday. A life saver watches the surf, just down the beach from Station Pier and the Spirit of Tasmania. PS. Footy tipping. 7 out of 8. Can’t complain about that.