How is it that this happens every year, every Good Friday? Almost every shop in the country is closed. And yet there’s a continual stream of cars into the supermarket car park, driving up to see if it’s open. It’s not open guys. Almost nothing is open on Good Friday. The empty car park should ... [More]
Category: News and events
News and current affairs
When I first needed childcare, back in 2000, I first looked at council-run places. There were none without a long waiting list, so I looked at private. I found a place nearby called Wilmar, run by a lovely couple called Neville and Pat, with a handful of staff. So I signed the kids up there. ... [More]
Happy Leap Day
This is something we only get the chance to say every four(ish) years, so… Happy Leap Day! Enjoy the extra day of summer. (If only, for those in Melbourne, it actually seemed like summer.) But remember… if today didn’t exist, it’d be the weekend already. (Hmm, not sure that’s right, is it?)
St Valentine’s day
I nipped briefly out for a quick hot choccie with my valentine, with a wrapped box of chocolates and a card in an envelope. I returned with an unwrapped box of chocolates and a card in an envelope. They weren’t the same ones, honest. That would be a bit sad and tragic, wouldn’t it. No, ... [More]
The apology
I think one of the reasons I’m so pleased the apology is that it’s so rare for politicians to admit that they (individually or collectively) were wrong. That alone makes it a historic day. Furthermore, we’ve got a lot of reasons to be proud of our country, and it seems only right that we should ... [More]
Death and destruction
A few weeks ago an Age Saturday crossword question about Anwar Sadat brought back some memories. While I remember well news of the deaths of John Lennon and Princess Diana, Sadat’s assassination was sitting there in the back of my mind. I recalled footage of chaos at a grandstand, which I suppose I’d seen as ... [More]
Kevin Conrad, you da man
The news from the Bali conference reminded me a lot of the machinations during international negotiations on The West Wing. No doubt things would have progressed further if it was Jed Bartlett, not George W Bush, running the White House. But you’ve got to hand it to the delegate from Papua New Guinea, Kevin Conrad. ... [More]
The Prime Minister
It’s like writing the wrong year in January. I keep hearing the words “The Prime Minister” on the news and thinking they’re still talking about John Howard. Is it just me? At first glance, I’m impressed with the code of conduct Rudd’s written up.
Snippety snippets
A few brief snippets: Okay, so it’s December now. And I’ve sent precisely zero Christmas cards. Really should get into action, shouldn’t I — I’ve already got some from overseas. Who Do You Think You Are with Stephen Fry on Sunday night was gripping, fascinating, poignant television. Looking forward to the rest of the episodes. ... [More]
World AIDS Day
Call me slow, but I didn’t know until I spotted the ribbon-sellers in Collins St this morning that it’s World AIDS Day today. There are various causes out there with varying degrees of deservedness (is there a better word to use there?). Some of those that put highway collectors out on weekends in particular I’ve ... [More]
Who is Madeleine?
Anybody else spot this long column advert on page 8 of The Age today? I wonder who wrote it, and if things went to plan and Madeleine read it this morning over breakfast? Intriguing.
What did you do in the war, grandad? Sunday is Remembrance Day, when we pause to remember the generations of young soldiers who went away to war to fight for the freedoms we enjoy today, many of them paying with their lives. Those of us young(ish) adults no longer have the threat of world (or ... [More]