Health Home life

My little toe

On Wednesday morning, after hopping out of the shower, I banged my foot on my bedroom doorway. It made quite an impact, and has been hurting ever since. I saw the doctor yesterday, and he says there’s a probable fracture in my little toe which will take a couple of weeks at least to fully  ... [More]

Health News and events

You dirty swine

Just days ago I was watching an interview with a guy on The Daily Show, who, like most of their guests, was flogging a book. His was called “Dread: How Fear and Fantasy have Fueled Epidemics from the Black Death to the Avian Flu“: Even at our most level-headed, the thought of an epidemic can  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones Health


There’s a cold going round the family. I hope I’m on the tail end of it now, but it’s rotten. I feel fine 85% of the time, but every hour or so there’s a period of almost uncontrollable coughing, caused by an itchy throat that can’t be soothed by man nor beast nor Strepsil. (Not  ... [More]


Itching theory

I have this wild theory that scratching itches is effectively masking the itch with pain. But because scratching can lead to damaging the skin, particularly if there is a scab in the vicinity, it might be better to slap it instead. That would overcome the itch without damaging the skin. Just an idea. Not one  ... [More]


The scream

There are times when I’m feeling stressed, usually about multiple little things at once, that I just want to scream with rage. Open the release valve and let out the stress. Daltrey WGFA to the power of 10. You can’t really do that of course, not in a built-up area. It’d have the neighbours (who  ... [More]

Food'n'drink Health


Just comparing some of the snacks I regularly take into work, or buy from the charity boxes or fundraiser boxes. Snack Sultanas 40g Banana 118g Apple 182g Giant Freddo Frog 40g Carmans Apricot & almond muesli bar Mars Bar 60g Energy 536 kJ 440 kJ 396 kJ 884 kJ 796 kJ 1150 kJ Protein 1.1  ... [More]

Food'n'drink Health

Medicinal reasons

I’d been meaning to write about this anyway, but one of Richard’s Twitter posts reminded me: If only more medical problems could be solved by simply ingesting more caffeine. The world would be a better place. Indeed. The cluster headaches I suffered from last summer did return this year, but happily the medication has been  ... [More]

Geek Health Home life Melbourne Politics and activism transport

Half-finished posts

It’s time for a clearout. Here’s a bunch of posts I wrote but never got around to posting. In some cases I intended to research them a bit more before publishing, so beware they may be a little half-arsed. Backwards There were claims and counter-claims during the Kororoit byelection campaign (June 2008). I suppose Les  ... [More]

Health News and events

Movember is here

I was planning on doing Movember this year, but other events in October left me all disorganised (well, more than usual) and I didn’t sign up. For those who are overseas or have otherwise not heard of Movember, it’s a fundraiser. Blokes are clean shaven at the start, but don’t shave their moustaches for the  ... [More]


Giving blood

For regular donors, the Blood Bank will send you a letter a couple of weeks before their mobile branch visits your area. Then if they haven’t heard from you, they ring you up in the week before. I never seem to find the time to ring them before they ring me. The problem is by  ... [More]


The spring cluster

Spring has sprung. The weather’s getting nicer. My mind has turned to the cluster headaches that I got for the first time at this time last year. I haven’t had any again yet, but there’s something about the light which just hints that they might be on their way. Or maybe it’s just that my  ... [More]


Home again

Home again, still not well. Some kind of stomach bug combined with headaches. Blargh. Not pleasant. Meanwhile my sister is getting over a cold, some of the kids have had colds too, my mum’s been unwell, my dad’s had to go into hospital with a blood problem. It seems to be one of those weeks.