Health News and events

Movember is here

I was planning on doing Movember this year, but other events in October left me all disorganised (well, more than usual) and I didn’t sign up.

For those who are overseas or have otherwise not heard of Movember, it’s a fundraiser. Blokes are clean shaven at the start, but don’t shave their moustaches for the month. Money raised goes to men’s health.

It turns out several people I know are doing Movember, so here’s a plug for them:

  • Stewart, a former work colleague
  • Lucien, who I went to school with, way back when
  • Cam, who is neither a former colleague nor an old school friend
  • Jason, from the PTUA committee

It’s a good cause, and I don’t want to show favouritism, so as soon as pay day comes around, I’ll throw each of them $20.

(Mind you, so far Stewart is the most diligent at posting update pictures. Hint. Hint.)

PS. Another one just showed up: Andy, who does my gardening

By Daniel Bowen

Transport blogger / campaigner and spokesperson for the Public Transport Users Association / professional geek.
Bunurong land, Melbourne, Australia.
Opinions on this blog are all mine.

5 replies on “Movember is here”

The organisers of Movember were on TV last year on a piece about how some charities overheads and admin charges took huge chunks out of donations. Mo was one that was interviewed for being very poor in that regard. Did they get over that issue/allegation? Just left me wondering (or Mondering) . . .

I had a full on Vladimir Lenin-style goatee the other day, does that count for Movember? But my school says I have to shave.

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