
The art of photography

Isaac’s a little unwell, so I’m at home today. I was clicking around one of the real estate web sites, when I came across this superb example of great real estate photography. Funny angle, thumb in the way… weren’t digital cameras meant to solve these kinds of issues?

Net News and events

Fiddling with formats

After trying to stuff the Business section into its main News pages, and apparently getting flayed for it, The Age has now tried to stuff the Metro section in there instead. They say that Metro readers were sick of looking through the Sport section to find it. That’s probably true, but will they be any  ... [More]


Becoming a humourless old git

I was having a chat to my friend Stewart. He and his mate Joe have just launched a web site to go with their band, Joey Stew. They’ve got some downloadable samples of their songs on the site, so check it out, it’s funny stuff. But one lesson I’ve learnt over the years is to  ... [More]

Melbourne music


A couple of weeks ago we were having dinner on a Saturday night in Bourke Street. Something was wrong, and we remarked as such: it was about 7pm and Gaslight Music wasn’t open. For years, Gaslight has been a haven in the eastern end of the city, particularly when waiting to meet someone on a  ... [More]


Reloading the pod

After living for some time with my iPod only holding a dozen or so of my favourite CDs (plus that great Billy Bragg paid concert download), I’ve finally embarked on loading everything up, in alphabetical order. So far I’m up to B. Thus my iPod currently has an inordinate amount of Area 7, Bragg and  ... [More]

Clothes Here is my

Here are my newest and oldest clothes

Here are my oldest and newest items of clothing. (Well, if you don’t count the socks I bought last week.) The red jumper is an Exacto brand windcheater which dates from probably about 1989 or 1990. It still gets an outing on cold evenings at home, and when painting (note the paint stain, a fairly  ... [More]


Quick reviews

A Series of Unfortunate Events — This was a paradox worthy of the appearance of Doctor Who’s reapers: Jim Carey in one of his rubbery face roles, yet not annoying. Who’d have thought? Nothing deep, but funny and suspenseful (well, a little) in the right places and totally fantastic set design. This turned out to  ... [More]

Home life TV

TV bad, computer good

As reported in the Age last week, there’s new research indicating that excessive watching of TV is associated with leaving school without qualifications, not getting a degree at university, and — oddly I thought — smoking. Particularly bad is a TV in kids’ bedrooms. I had a TV in my bedroom when I was a  ... [More]

Consumerism Sport

Tipping, tissues, etc

8 out of 8. 8 out of 8. 8 out of 8. 8 out of 8. 8 out of 8. 8 out of 8. 8 out of 8. So there. (Hey, I’m doing appallingly badly at the footy tipping this year; I’ve got to celebrate when I can.) While at Southland yesterday I found a  ... [More]


What (not) to wear

I was standing in Myer looking at coats, accompanied by my very own “What Not To Wear” Trinny and Susannah — only these two were called Marita and Justine. They spurned the jacket I was considering, instead pointing out a more expensive one. I tried it on. “That’s a very good coat Daniel.” “It is.”  ... [More]

Doctor Who

Doctor Who 2005: the first half

Quick reviews of the first seven episodes: 1. Rose — A harmless romp, introducing the characters and concepts for new viewers, and reminding us oldsters too. Thank goodness not too much emphasis was on the baggage from the old series, something the 1996 telemovie fell victim to, thus alienating half the audience. 2. The End  ... [More]


Dear Daniel Davidson Bowen

Dear Daniel Davidson Bowen aged 9, Re: your comments: cancel this website i’m daniel bowen age nine and my birthday is pon july 21 you idiot — Comment by daniel davidson bowen — Wed 29 June 2005 @ 18:56 i hate you i am daniel bowen — Comment by daniel davidson bowen — Wed 29  ... [More]