
One thing to say

The weekend’s here, the crowds are gathering around the MCG, and though I won’t be attending, I have only one thing to say: Go Cats!


Funniest book I’ve read in ages

Bill Bryson: Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid — I’ve finally read it now it’s out in paperback. I know I was never going to be disappointed, but it was a great book. Hilarious in parts, poignant in others. Mostly hilarious though. The description of the Dick and Jane books and the characters’ robotic  ... [More]

transport TV

A better way

If you’re watching TV tonight, you might see Metlink’s new advert, with the slogan “A better way”. One of the shots is filmed not far from my house, on Jasper Road in Bentleigh, as a lady in a hairdresser’s chair floats past Camille Shoes. I quite like the ad. But as with a lot of  ... [More]


Reminder to self

compliment — an expression of praise, commendation or admiration. complement — something that goes well with, or completes. I’m always getting those two mixed-up.


Jumping on the Cats bandwagon

Yes, I’m jumping on the bandwagon. I’ve been a Geelong Cats fan for a long time, though it’s years since I’ve been to a game. From what I can see, most years they do well in the first few rounds, then descend into a plumetting spiral of defeats. But not this year. They haven’t won  ... [More]



The more observant amongst you may have noticed the Twitter Updates thingy on the right hand side of the web page. Yes, I’m dabbling in micro-blogging. I’m not totally convinced it’s worth the trouble, but having seen examples where it’s shown its uses, I thought I’d give it a go, particularly when I found the  ... [More]


I’ve gone off TV

I think I would have enjoyed We Can Be Heroes. I heard good things about it, and the clips I caught were funny. The sequel, Summer Heights High looks good as well… I suspect both are cleverer and funnier views of Australian society than Kath & Kim are… which has got rather dull in its  ... [More]

music transport

Two concerts and a train ride

Went to the school concert last week, which was at Monash. Mucho traffic congestion on Wellington Road due to roadworks. Some people who you’d think could figure out a simple row/seat ticketing system seemed to be very puzzled. Some toddler sitting behind me yapped through much of it. A mad woman (probably someone’s grandmother) started  ... [More]


Clean swear words

Scott Adams has been making up his own cuss phrases. [Warning: coarse language] I’ve been pondering what is the most abusive but non-swearing language one can use. The kind of thing you can say if, say, a car driver cuts you off or almost mows you down in a spectacularly stupid way, but your kids  ... [More]


The results, if you’re wondering

The results from the birthday extravanganza of comments, as at this morning (80 responses, in 84 comments)… Average age: 38.21 Median age: 36 Range: 18 to 65 Wow. Thanks to all who responded, and thanks for the birthday wishes! And a special happy birthday also to Paul, Shaun and Graeme, who it turns out also  ... [More]


Tramps like us

Tramps Like Us by Kristen Buckley — Kristen emailed and asked if I’d like to read and review this book, as its Australian launch is coming soon. I’m glad I said yes, it’s smegging hilarious. Kristen’s better known for being a screenwriter for movies that… well, frankly, I wouldn’t go out of my way to  ... [More]


TV stuff

I’m really enjoying the SBS series Great Australian Albums on Saturday nights. It’s kind of an Aussie version of the British Classic Albums series — both take the artists back to the studios to play us snippets from the master tapes, while explaining how the albums came about: the context for the band, the writing,  ... [More]