"Yes, we are back!" "3 Saturdays and Sundays left!" "Lease ends 9th of March!" These, and even an after-hours phone number (for Terracotta Emergencies) adorn the windows of the Pot Spot today. But will everything wind up on the 9th of March? I don’t know. After almost a year of closing down sales, I’m just ... [More]
Author: Daniel Bowen
Transport blogger / campaigner and spokesperson for the Public Transport Users Association / professional geek.
Bunurong land, Melbourne, Australia.
Opinions on this blog are all mine.
The word is out – I’ve got a new job lined up. Not that I’ve been looking, but these things have a habit of finding me. Alas, my current employers were unable to offer me the promise of any work after March, and when a three month contract at Coles/Myer popped up, well, who could ... [More]
Pot Spot Watch
The signs at the Pot Spot during the week were: "Last day Saturday", "All stock must go". But the notice that leads one to believe that finally after eight months the Pot Spot’s closing sale might actually be coming to an end, is the planning application in the window for a printing shop. Maybe things ... [More]
Valentine’s Day
Today’s the day… Valentine’s Day, or VD for short, as someone at work suggested. Perhaps not. I remembered the card and present. Hopefully other blokes everywhere did. If not, it’s not too late to rush out and get something. It’s recommended if you want to live to see the end of the weekend. No, don’t ... [More]
Children and animals
Someone was whinging to me today about having a dog. I told her I have no sympathy. With a human child, you can’t just leave him locked up in the house all day with some food. At least, not if you don’t want the Child Protection people after you. Dogs don’t grow two sizes of ... [More]
The Pot Spot
An update on the Pot Spot, the shop down the street that has been having a closing down sale for almost eight months now. The sign "Closing February 6th" has been updated to: "Closing February."
There’s something on the news tonight – I mean apart from O.J. – about Liberal senator Bob Woods having a restraint order put on him by his lover after their affair broke up. Well, that’s just great, isn’t it. The Libs are turning into the British Conservative Party. Mark my words, by the end of ... [More]
Strange days indeed
Sometimes I see quite the oddest things, but forget to tell anybody about them. Last Friday, for example, in the middle of the morning rush hour, my tram passed a guy from Triple M radio doing a publicity stunt. At least, I presume it was a publicity stunt – either that or he was doing ... [More]
Nostalgia time
I’ve been on a bit of a video game nostalgia trip recently, having discovered the joys of video game console emulators. It’s great, I get to play all the games of my youth without having to find the old hardware to run them on. It’s like the computer equivalent to watching old Countdown repeats on ... [More]
The Pot Spot 3
Today was the Australia Day holiday. At least, in every state except this one, where it was "Jeff doesn’t want us to have a holiday, but go on, take a day off if you and your boss both feel like it" Day. So anyway, not only did I work today, but we all worked late ... [More]
The Pot Spot 2
In an informal interview carried out by my wife this afternoon, the proprietors of the Pot Spot spoke out about their impending closing today. "So is this really the last day?" "… Maybe …"
The Pot Spot
It’s going to be an interesting weekend. Because on Sunday the 26th of January, Australia Day, according to the notices in the window, the Pot Spot will finally close down. The Pot Spot is a shop down on the corner of our street. They sell plant pots and other assorted garden objects. Gnomes, dragons, frogs, ... [More]