

Went with the kids last week to look around Harbourtown, the new bit of Docklands which has the big wheel in it. Much of Harbourtown is looking a bit basic at the moment. The shopping centre is open, but half the shops aren’t, and some are obviously still getting stock in… the EB Games had  ... [More]

music Retrospectives

Who are you?

When I was younger I used to focus on a fairly narrow range of music, heavily influenced by what my peers had introduced me to. One day circa 1988 Raoul brought over a VHS tape of some band he liked called The Who. It was a compilation called Who’s Better Who’s Best. I remember I  ... [More]

News and events

Easter Saturday

Apparently, officially, Easter Saturday is now called “The Saturday before Easter Sunday”. That’s really not a very catchy name.

Morons on the road

On the phone

Dear TZO 421: If you have one hand holding a cigarette, and the other holding a mobile phone, how do you expect to be able to drive your car properly? It’s astounding how many people drive along holding a phone to their ears. So stupid. A couple of times earlier this century I tried having  ... [More]

Memes rule, pass it on

Seven things you may or may not know about me

I was tagged by Patrick: Seven things you may or may not know about me. I’ve been blogging for a while, so you might think there’s nothing left that’s unknown about me, but in reality only a fraction of my life appears on my blog. That said I may struggle to think of things that  ... [More]

Melbourne News and events

Barassigate: Day 5

Now don’t get me wrong — street violence is a terrible thing. And legendary footy coach Ron Barassi has to be commended for putting himself at risk on New Year’s Eve to come to the aid of someone being attacked. The whole thing is symptomatic of some of the worst ills of society. But really,  ... [More]

Doctor Who Friends and loved ones Video games

Brief things

Haven’t blogged for a bit, so here’s a brief catch-up. I helped Tony and Rae and family move last week. The inevitable comment that pops up when geeks move house: packing the moving van is like Tetris. Of course, when you get a full row of boxes, they don’t disappear and make more space… The  ... [More]