
Hack attack!

Thanks to Kirsten for pointing out that at least one of my blog posts got hit with a spam attack, inserting invisible links into it. See here and here for other reports. The quick solution is to upgrade to WordPress 2.5 quick smart. Which I’ll be doing now, so apologies for any interruptions.

Morons on the road

I’m so cool

My car is so cool, I can park anywhere I want.

Politics and activism PTUA transport

Missed opportunity

Yesterday there were demonstrators outside the SX building in Exhibition Street, with brochures, a big banner calling for a Royal Commission. Into what? I’m not sure to be honest; it wasn’t obvious. I didn’t look too closely and I didn’t take a brochure as I had other things on my mind. The Premier John Brumby  ... [More]

Home life

How many men?

The 2006 Census tells us that in Australia, there are 6,863,624 men above the age of 15. Of these some 616,033 are in defacto relationships, including same-sex relationships. 3,547,331 are married. 2,700,260 are neither. The Census doesn’t tell us how many men wash the dishes. But let’s assume for a moment that 30% of those  ... [More]

Consumerism Net

You snore, you need money and you need to meet more girls. No wonder you’re depressed.

Plenty has been written about this before, but I’ll put my oar in. Facebook knows lots about you. Most users key in a bunch of stuff about their hobbies, favourite music, TV shows, all that kind of stuff. They know (roughly) where you live, how old you are, often your marital status, your interests. So  ... [More]


Random thoughts

It was only at the third petrol station yesterday that I found a pump [air] that was working. Found three ATMs in close proximity all out of order at lunchtime. Was anybody else listening to the ABC 774 (3LO) news this morning at 7:45am when somebody pressed the wrong button and The Twilight Zone music  ... [More]

Consumerism music TV

The scheme

How’s this for a scheme? 1. Buy discounted Kit Kat Chunky chocolate bars for $1.29 at Safeway. (On special only until closing time tonight; normal price $1.88) 2. Eat bar. 3. Use code inside wrapper that gets me a $1.69 song from iTunes. 4. Profit! I like chocolate, and I already have an iTunes account.  ... [More]


Optimising the commute

I’m sure anybody who drives a particular trip regularly has in their mind their thoughts on optimising it: which route to take, which lane to be in when, best time to set out, alternate routes available if there’s a major snarl — like there was on Wednesday. What about PT users? Do they think this  ... [More]


Not gloating

I don’t mean to gloat or anything, but I’m rather pleased I locked-in my mortgage interest rate last year. It’s locked-in for 5 years (the maximum) which may or may not have been a good idea — only time will tell — but it certainly looks pretty good right now. Mine’s locked-in at 7.85%, whereas  ... [More]



Oh dear. That’s not meant to happen. But look on the bright side… there were no ambulances on the scene! (Collins St near Russell St, approx 1:55pm today. There are points there; it looks like the two halves of the tram decided to go different ways.)

News and events transport

Frantic day

One of those frantic days. E Day — the Eddington report came out. Age story. In summary: do we really want to blow $20 billion on tunnels, when one (the road tunnel) appears to serve no purpose (hardly anybody drives NE to W) and the other (the rail tunnel) tries to solve a capacity problem  ... [More]

News and events

News of the day

Proposal for a Yarra car ferry. Google Australia introduces predictive web searching, which can show you how the Web will look tomorrow. Google USA and Virgin have combined to form Virgle: sending a human colony to Mars. Andrew Bolt to run for parliament in Peter Costello’s seat. A bunch of stories: SCG stand to be  ... [More]