Geek Working life

Out of control Inboxes

My three main Inboxes are getting out of control. While I manage to reply in a reasonable manner to most of the email I get that’s directed to me personally, I tend to get very slack at filing things away or deleting them, perhaps partly because I think at some stage I’ll need to find  ... [More]


Brown is the new blue

In an amusing conversation the other week: 25 is the new 18. 36 is the new 25. Cycling is the new golf. Dunno if all this is really true, but I’m discovering for myself that brown is the new blue. There was a stage in my life when I wouldn’t be seen dead wearing brown.  ... [More]



Mr woolly jumper, what makes you think it is acceptable to floss your teeth on the train? Gross-a-rama.

dreams Geek

Coding dream

I had a dream the other night that I was in a code review with some of the guys. For non-geeks amongst you, one of the key things about programming is to write your code in such a way that anybody else who reads it can understand how it works… and indeed so that you  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones music Retrospectives

Young Years

Marita was reminding me on Saturday of Dragon’s song Young Years (a discussion of various music lyrics that culminated in my car gaining the nickname Black Betty). Secret meetings at the river’s bend Simple days when I called you friend Came a time, we went separate ways — Dragon, Young Years As it happens last  ... [More]

Home life

Cool things in my house #27

High up in the bathroom is this: a towel rack. The lettering? NSWR. I’m guessing it’s a recycled luggage rack from a train up north. Cool looking, and functional too.

News and events

Pluto aka Asteroid 134340

The grade 5 kids at the school were busy earlier this term building models of the solar system. Like many, Isaac’s was based on a spare hoola hoop, with planets of various sizes and colours hanging off it by fishing-wire. Most of the models came home a few weeks ago, but the best were called  ... [More]

News and events

No connection

Well there we go. A US senate report says there was no connection between Iraq and Al Queda prior to the war starting. I can’t say I’m surprised. I haven’t changed my view: Saddam is a evil git, but there is no ongoing campaign to oust evil gits, so why was he special? There are  ... [More]



It hasn’t been a spectacular year for me in the footy tipping. Although I was thankfully nowhere near the come bottom of the competition, after leading for a short period during the year I ended up fifth at the end of the season, three points off the lead. That formidable trophy won’t be coming to  ... [More]

Politics and activism


Rosa Lee Long, Queensland’s only sitting One Nation MP, was returned in her seat of Tablelands in the Queensland state election on Saturday. I only mention this because she’s actually a distant (non-blood) relative of mine. On the Chinese side of my family there are a mass of Lee Long family members, and I understand  ... [More]


Blue skies, open road

On the road driving up to Euroa on Saturday.

Melbourne transport

Out of context

I was on the tram. A man in a nearby seat looked rather familiar. Was he someone I knew, or an undercover ticket inspector noticing I hadn’t bothered to re-validate my already several-hundred-times-re-validated Yearly ticket, so the tram company beancounters would get their flawed and meaningless statistics for the month? He got up. “Daniel, how  ... [More]