
Big Issue

I was told there was a good article in this week’s Big Issue. So I went looking for it this morning on the way to work. Normally I pass at least two sellers on Collins Street, plus another at the Parliament station exit. Do you think I saw any of them today? Nope, not a  ... [More]

Home life


The great clear-out of junk has commenced, with my filing cabinet being trimmed of fat. Accordingly, I decided to borrow my mum’s shredder to make sure that no bits of paper I’m chucking out will fall into the wrong hands. I’ve tried to avoid getting paranoid about such things in the past, but with the  ... [More]

Canberra 2005

Canberra day 3

(This post backdated to the date it happened, not the date I wrote it.) Not much to day 3, but during breakfast a rather impressive hot air balloon sailed by not too far away. We caught a cab to the airport, the only notable thing about the trip back being that tea strainers bought on  ... [More]

Canberra 2005 transport

Canberra day 2

(This post backdated to the date it happened, not the date I wrote it.) It might have been a negative-something night outside, but the bed was lovely and warm. We awoke, had breakfast and showers, and … Wait, I should mention the shower. Everything in the serviced apartment we stayed in was great. Except the  ... [More]

Canberra 2005 Culture Food'n'drink

Canberra day 1

(This post backdated to the date it happened, not the date I wrote it.) Marita, Justine and I got a lunchtime flight out of Melbourne, and got to Canberra, Australia’s capital city, a little less than an hour later. Straight off the plane, through baggage claim and into a cab bound for Kingston, and the  ... [More]

Canberra 2005

Off to Canberra

I’m off to Canberra until Sunday. Be good, and don’t burgle my house. PS. 12:05pm. Courtesy of Justine, hello from the Melbourne Qantas Club. Woo hoo, free Internet! PPS. Sunday 12:40pm. Well I just flew back from Canberra, and my arms are tired. Will post about it soon. In the mean time, Tony and Rae  ... [More]

Home life

The house

Here it is, the house in all its glory… The livingroom(this is the agent’s picture, so the furniture isn’t mine) The kitchen(furniture not mine) Hopefully it’ll look half as good with all my crap strewn around it!

Food'n'drink Net

Blogging and chocolate

Blogging is starting to be taken seriously by product promoters. Some time back I posted (rather bitterly I admit) about the exhorbitant price of a TV theme mobile jingle I bought. Someone at the TV listing company that had linked to it (not the actual jingle company who got the money) saw that post, tracked  ... [More]

Home life

Mortgage angst

I had a sudden moment of philosophical mortgage angst yesterday morning on the train. Reading the paper I found myself pondering if I was doing the right thing, signing up to borrow ARGH thousand dollars, to spend the next 25 years paying it off. Working for The Man, money goes in, money goes out… is  ... [More]


Petrol prices climbing

Petrol prices are hitting record levels, something that’s been predicted for some time by the Peak Oil people. On Sunday I took the kids across town to visit their grandad’s/my dad’s place, for his 74th birthday. With my last petrol fill-up costing over $60 (thankfully it’s only about fortnightly), my public transport travel already paid  ... [More]


Footy dream

I dreamt I was the coach for the local junior football team. Instead of playing on a conventional oval, it was a kind of L-shaped ground, like two ovals stuck together, possibly reflecting a park nearby to the house I just bought. There was a game going, but only about half a dozen kids playing  ... [More]

books Health

Thank you Harry Potter

Thank you Harry Potter and JK Rowling, for knocking bloody Dan Brown off the top of the best seller list at last. On another topic, read a very interesting article on how to prolong your life. The 13-point plan at the bottom of the second page is particularly interesting. Now, where in this house might  ... [More]