

My mobile phone has rung so much in the last few days that I’m starting to imagine I’m hearing it. Not particularly helped by the following: As I stepped into the toilet this morning, I must have been momentarily distracted, and as I turned around to close the door, my forehead and the high shelf  ... [More]

Health Melbourne Net

Snippets from the last few days

A long time school friend’s mum died of cancer on Thursday. Such a horrible thing for their family, all I can do is pass on condolences from my family. Film crew blocking off Hardware Street on Saturday, making me more late for lunch than I had previously been. Crowd control consisted of a woman in  ... [More]

Geek Net


Yeah, smash the state! Victory for hax0rs! Let’s vandalise Daniel’s diary on a Sunday morning! Turned out to be an ISP-wide problem. Full credit to them though, they’re making amends by offering an upgrade to people’s accounts. So there you go. Thanks to Tony, who notified me first (and the others who let me know  ... [More]


Instant theatre review

With many thanks to friends who couldn’t use the tickets, the Melbourne Theatre Company’s production of Noel Coward’s Blithe Spirit. Some familiar faces (oh look, the Spanish Enfanta as the medium…), some intriguing special effects (how did they make that stuff fly around the room?), great dialogue and acting. A lot of fun.

Friends and loved ones

Preparing for Christmas

Is this a world record? The first Christmas card for this year arrived on Monday, from one of my English uncles. I know they’ve had a postal strike recently there – maybe he was greatly concerned that if he didn’t get it into the post now, they’d call a snap strike and he wouldn’t be  ... [More]


Phone envy

It has come to my attention that there is someone I know, someone who is a Gen-Xer like myself, who… and I’m not sure there’s any easy way to say this,does not have a mobile phone. There. I’ve blurted it out. Now I’m not going to reveal who this person is, because they have made  ... [More]



Things I discovered when giving blood on Thursday: weight 70kg, which is down a couple of kilos, though I don’t feel any thinner. I may use it as an excuse to eat more chocolate haemoglobin count is 16.5 (dunno what it’s measured in, but whatever it is, there’s 16.5 of them, hooray for all of  ... [More]


Damn machine

A couple of weeks ago at work I got an e-mail telling me some marvellous patch would be installed overnight on my computer. “Do nothing!” I was told, “it’ll be great!”, I was told. So I did what I was told, and sure enough overnight my computer was patched, and then it wouldn’t boot. Nup.  ... [More]

Working life


Beep, beep, beep. It’s 7:01am and my alarm goes off. My right arm shoots out from the bed and hits the snooze button. I could really do with another 9 minutes, even if it’s not spent sleeping, but waking up properly. Beep, beep, beep. 7:10am. I’m more alert this time, and co-ordinated enough to feel  ... [More]


The Pepper Incident

It is common at restaurants around Chinatown to be served chilli peppers, generally in small slices around 2-3mm thick. They add a welcome bit of spice to the taste of the meal, and if (with my mostly western palette) consumed in small doses, my tastebuds have a good time. Last night my lovely lovely companion  ... [More]



Instant movie review: Matrix Revolutions. Visually spectacular, one would expect. Plot? Uhh, well they had a bunch of stuff to tie up, obviously. Probably less dialogue gobbledygook this time, more visual action. Yeah, it was okay. Someone, and I can’t remember who (it might have been my sister, it might have been someone at work,  ... [More]

Food'n'drink TV

Mmm, crunch, ahh

Judging from the small size of the pile in the supermarket tonight, I’m not the only one who watched Kath & Kim last night and thought "man, I could really do with a Pollywaffle". Even if they are made by those evil Nestle bastards, sometimes you just have to indulge, you know. Not that I  ... [More]