News and events Working life

Why today is a holiday

It’s Labour Day today in Victoria, marking the reduction in working hours during the 19th century to 8 hours, and the relaxation of working conditions, which in the 1840s were strict: Conditions of the time were governed by the Master and Servant Act. Employees in Australia in 1840 who left their employment without permission were  ... [More]

Geek Working life

The lifts

The other day some colleagues were having a little rant about the lifts, which in recent weeks have been performing badly. I blogged about this ages ago — in many buildings the problem is not the position or size of the lifts, but how they’re programmed. Evidently in 13 years, not much has changed. Apart  ... [More]

Working life


Those people selling The Big Issue can be quite innovative. It’s a wonder some of them aren’t earning large amounts of money in advertising. On the steps of the GPO today at lunchtime, I found a skinhead selling it doing the Macarena to attract attention. If I’d had $2 in change, I would have bought  ... [More]