
Tram platform stops: good news and bad news

The good news is they’re doing consultation and planning for accessible tram stops along route 82. Unsurprisingly they’re avoiding any stops on Ballarat Road, which is a traffic sewer (with the current eastbound stop being a real death trap). The scale on the map is a little funny, and the precise locations seem to be  ... [More]


Bridge strikes, and other tales of Patterson station

It’s not Montague Street, but trucks keep hitting this low bridge


Melbourne’s tram fleet: accessibility and air-conditioning

Two seemingly unrelated things are occurring this week: Today, Saturday, is expected to be the hottest day of Melbourne’s summer so far this season, with a forecast high of 42 degrees. And… the 60th E-class tram just came into service. We welcomed the new year in with the introduction of Melbourne’s newest E-Class tram, entering  ... [More]

Toxic Custard newsletter transport

“Step-free” doesn’t mean DDA-compliant

All of Melbourne’s suburban railway stations have step-free access to the platforms. Except one: Heyington. To get to either platform involves steps. Heyington is set into the side of a hill. From the street you go down some steps to the citybound (“up”) platform. Or if you want the outbound (“down”) platform, that’s down some  ... [More]


What do you think of the Easy Access tram stop in Macarthur Street?

This is the new “Easy Access” tram stop in Macarthur Street. It’s not the first of its type — there’s been one in Albert Park for some years. But it’s the first on a moderately busy street, and it’s claimed it could be the new model for providing accessible tram stops around Melbourne. I think  ... [More]


How many tram routes have low-floor trams?

By my count… (please flag in the comments if I mess it up) Most trams on routes: 96, 109 Some on routes: 5, 6, 8, 16, 48, 72, 112 None on routes: 1, 3/3a, 19, 30, 35, 55, 57, 59, 64, 67, 70, 75, 78/79, 82, 86, City Circle Some (minor routes) 24, 42 Some  ... [More]


Why a Z-class tram was used for the Queen’s visit

A lot of people have asked why a Z-class tram was chosen for the Queen’s tram ride (rather than Melbourne’s traditional and iconic W-class, for instance). Here’s the answer: W and A-class trams don’t have handrails in the middle of the doorways, which can be a big help for older people. B-class trams do, but  ... [More]


Not the Rome Metro

You’re going to have to trust me on this because it doesn’t show up well in the picture, but this train seen this morning said “ROME” on the back, instead of “METRO”. Evidently someone had been re-arranging some of the letters By some freak occurrence, last week I found myself travelling on the Upfield line  ... [More]