Friends and loved ones Working life

Week seven and counting

Start of week seven. As of 3pm, no PCs. At this point, most of us gave up for the day and went home to continue surfing oops errtechnology investigation on our own PCs. (Maybe we can charge the client for electricity?) We’ve decided to compare our situation to those onboard a ship. The iceberg was  ... [More]

Working life

We got phones!!!

Quite amazing. Here we are, at the end of our sixth week, and we have finally got phones. They even work! Relatively clean and newish, too. But, what, I hear you ask, about the PCs? Last week we were promised them by the end of this week. Now they’re saying Monday. But they’re now also  ... [More]


Seeya Charles

Charles’ funeral was today. Seeing the coffin descending with the Kangaroos scarves on top was quite moving really. It really was quite a shock hearing about his death. Apparently it was an accidental drug overdose. Such a shame, sounds like things were really looking up for him. It was good to see a whole bunch  ... [More]


Late night mail

Late last night I got an e-mail from a friend I hadn’t seen in a while, Lucien. It said to ring him urgently, about Charles, another friend I haven’t seen in a while. You can tell it’s going to be bad news when you get a message like that. And it was. Charles died suddenly  ... [More]

Working life

Week six and counting

Week six. No PCs. I hope they realise how much it’s costing them for us all to be working but not getting anything done. We’ve got new neighbours at home. The guy downstairs moved back to Perth. He left some groceries behind for us. Stuff he said he couldn’t use. Like GladWrap. Maybe they don’t  ... [More]


What the heck…

I was going through the latest Weetbix collector cards the other day, as one does… at the moment it’s various groovy and highly athletic basketball stuff, not something that enthrals me enough to want to collect them. Anyway, imagine, for a moment, that you’re me. You’ve just pulled the cards out of the box without  ... [More]

Working life

How long will it take?

Great news! We got cables to go with our network connection points! Amazing stuff. With any luck, in the next few months the bits and pieces of the PC might turn up. Okay, I admit it, it’s starting to get just a little frustrating. This is the end of the fifth week at this new  ... [More]


Longest long weekend of the year

It’s a very special weekend – the one when the clocks go back an hour! An extra hour’s sleep on Sunday morning is always a good thing. In fact, the only way it could be better would be to have the extra hour on Monday morning instead. Of course, there’s another reason that it’s a  ... [More]


Web of Doom

Well, the cult in California committing mass suicide is all over the news. Sorry, but is there any real surprise here? This is what weird cults do. They recruit impressionable people, take all their money, cut them off from their families, go and live in a isolated compound somewhere, shave their heads or adopt some  ... [More]

Working life


Wow! After almost a month, some movement at last on desks at work! Somehow, some way, they’ve found us some. And what’s more, they’re not stuck up in some obscure part of the building that’s fifteen minutes’ walk from the lifts. They’re down on the ground floor, near the main entrance. Amazing. And of course,  ... [More]


Meanwhile in the neighbourhood…

The neighbours’ car is still out there on the street. Obviously someone’s noticed its uncared-for status; people seem to have started dumping litter inside it. Maybe the reason nobody’s taken it is that, apart from being a crap car, maybe it doesn’t work? POT SPOT WATCH:Yes, the Pot Spot is still gone. No sign of  ... [More]

Working life

Working from home

With the accommodation and hardware situation not resolved at work, I’ve been working at home most of this week. Haven’t done this since last year when I sprained my ankle. It’s got its bad and good points. Bad: Less interaction with my fellow deskless sufferers and others. It’s probable that if I were locked in  ... [More]