
My week

Junk mail Within two days of me writing all about the Who’s Who thingy, and their associated US$951 membership fee, well knock me down with a bulldozer, but what should arrive in the (analogue) mail? A letter from them again! Exactly the same as the first one, but with a later date! I guess I’m  ... [More]


3 sleeps to go!

Yay, only 3 sleeps until the Paul Kelly concert! I’m seriously looking forward to this one. At last I seem to have found a musician who not only plays music I enjoy listening to, but writes songs I can really identify with. There’s a lot of music that I like, but most of it seems  ... [More]


Not bloody Karen Liddell again?!?

Networking – the people kind, not the computer kind – can be a real pain. I should point out here that I’m not going to offer you shares in some company you’ve never heard of. I’m not going to invite you to join in a pyramid scheme. And I’m not going to ask you to  ... [More]


To do – May

People who follow my diary regularly may be wondering why the entries in the last few weeks have been so few and far between. I’ve been wondering why too, and the conclusion I’ve come to is that my life is not as funny now as it sometimes has been. That’s not to say I’m not  ... [More]


First day

A pretty good first day at the new job… Small company, about 10 people. From the looks of it, no inter-departmental rivalry, no office politics, no stupid and unchangeable company policies. All very friendly people. Everybody goes home at 5:30 – they lock the place up. Got a desk, a chair, PC and software the  ... [More]


Warrnambool to Melbourne

This morning, I had my first car accident. Nothing serious, nobody hurt, though I did get a bit of a cut to my head, which still hurts. It was in the motel carpark. I was packing the boot and hit my head on the lid. (My sister nearly freaked when I was telling her that  ... [More]


Apollo Bay to Warrnambool

Now let me tell you a little secret. The sunrise in Apollo Bay is spectacular. No, it’s S P E C T A C U L A R . A brilliant red glow appears in the sky over the ocean, lighting up the beach and the mountains. Okay, so I don’t know if it’s like  ... [More]


Melbourne to Apollo Bay

As planned, after some exhaustive packing (I think we managed to fit most of the house inside the boot) we set out this morning for our first big trip in the new (secondhand) car. We headed over the Westgate Bridge and down the Princes Highway towards Geelong. This time we gave the rest stop near  ... [More]


Heading south west

Considering that I’m off work for another week and a half, we’ve decided to beat the big "quick, let’s get away on holiday to the country somewhere to avoid having to do a family get-together over Easter" rush that occurs every year, and go away on holiday to the country somewhere in the days before  ... [More]

Working life

The last lunch

Well, the last day of my current contract job is tomorrow. I have found another one to take its place in the near future – just after Easter to be precise. Apart from making sure I submit all my final timesheets and invoices and clearing my desk, there’s one other important event on The Last  ... [More]


The update

Every so often I like to bung an update in the diary. It helps the few of you who might be actually interested in finding out about some of the continuing things that go on in my life, as thrilling as it is. So here’s the update: Baby Jeremy is piling on weight. He was  ... [More]

Working life

Reading the paper

Regular readers of my diary will probably have deduced for themselves that work is going exceedingly well at the moment. It’s easy to work this out because I haven’t been complaining about it, not like some of the previous contract jobs I’ve worked at. Sadly, it would seem that this job is coming to an  ... [More]