Well well well, so another bunch of teenagers made pipe bombs and blew themselves up. And of course they got their instructions… all together now… Off the Internet! Even now I can see the tabloid editors foaming at the mouth for headlines. "Kids download bombs"… "Deadly Internet"… "Web bomb"! Oh goodness, what a surprise. The ... [More]
I spy…
Sitting outside a cafe on the weekend with the family, I kept Isaac busy (and learning too!) with a game of I Spy. After spying cars, a clock, a tram, a dog, I decided it was time for people. "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with P." Isaac looked around. Then loudly, and ... [More]
Olympics rant
I’ve just got to have a rant. This whole Olympics marching band thing has got way out of hand. From the sounds of it, some SOCOG dweeb made the wrong decision to start with, and they’d already got loads of overseas marching bands to come over when someone said "errr, how about letting some Aussies play?" ... [More]
Well, just my luck, the hard drive I thought I’d resurrected started dying again. This time I cut off life support: unplugged it from the machine. I just couldn’t bare to see my data go on suffering like that. As it turns out, it was a snip to go out and find a new drive ... [More]
for sale dot com
I’m just having a look at the domain names for sale on the Yahoo auctions site. There seem to be a lot of domains that the owners think are worth a lot of money (judging from the minimum bids required) but that nobody else does (judging from the complete lack of any bids posted). Some ... [More]
The pre-emptive strike
I’ve launched a pre-emptive strike against my hard drive. I’ve pulled all the data off it and done a low level format on it before it died on me. Oh, make no mistake, it was in the process of kicking the bucket. Ever since I dived into the innards of my PC last week to ... [More]
Showers my arse!
The forecast last Thursday was for showers. Showers my arse! That was not "showers". Showers don’t fall at a 45ĂÂŻĂÂżĂ½ angle, drenching everything in their path. That was torrential rain. The kind of rain that people’s pets get washed away in. I know: I was out there in it. I didn’t have the car on ... [More]
Around a year ago, just a few short months after I’d got my car, a mate of mine (in the sense that I see him perhaps once a year, but when I do, I say something like "Mate! How’re you going?"), Mike, asked me "so, has the car changed your life yet?" At the time, ... [More]
Awful, awful, awful
I used to love newsagents. I could go into a newsagent and potter around among the stationery, look to see what books they had, glance at the newspaper headlines, and delve through the computer and other geeky magazines before (maybe) making a purchase. I can’t do that any more. I can’t stay a second longer ... [More]
Censored for your protection
Well, there you go, the government’s done it. They have descended into complete stupidity. No, not the GST, I mean the way that somehow, some way, the Australian government has passed a bill through the Senate that suddenly magically makes the Internet for your grandmother to surf, without fear of wobbling fleshy images being thrust ... [More]
The box
There’s something that nobody ever warns you about before you have kids. And that is that kids (or at least both of my boys) have a quite incredible ability to – well, let’s be quite blunt about this – bring their limbs into painful contact with my bollocks. The number of times that both of ... [More]
Open for inspection
I just strolled down to Safeway, and on the way back I spotted one of those "Open for Inspection" signs that a real estate agent had left on the street. It was almost 9pm, and pitch black, so I’m guessing they just forgot to collect it. Unless of course they were aiming for the nightowl ... [More]