

Ian, a bloke I’ve known online for about three years, and met in person in Birmingham in 1999, has descended on Melbourne. Sydneysiders will find this hard to believe, but he’s been wanting to come here for years – possibly decades. Unfortunately his arrival yesterday was far from ideal. The airlines, at least the ones  ... [More]

News and events


I was just about to go to bed last night when my sister e-mailed me: Tue 11/09/2001 23:16 "Heard about the World Trade Centre!!!! logon to the new (sic), quick!" I did so. You probably know the rest. Now almost 24 hours later, it’s still a little hard to digest. Rest assured, anyone reading from  ... [More]


Return to sender

<Movie trailer voice> He did what nobody else would do. What nobody else dared to do. What nobody else knew how to do. </Movie trailer voice> Okay, I don’t understand. Why is it that I’m the only one in my block who knows how to write "NOT KNOWN AT THIS ADDRESS" on an unwanted envelope,  ... [More]



Today I almost got flattened by a car reversing at speed along the road. Luckily I had paused before starting to cross, because I’d seen a cyclist (who was on the opposite side of the road to the car, but going the same way). The car in question was apparently delivering blood to the hospital  ... [More]


Video again

This whole VCR destruction thing may come back to haunt me for a while. I was picking Isaac up from school today… and got recognised there by some kids who were at the skateboard park a few weeks ago when Josh and I did the deed. One by one, about 4-5 of them came up  ... [More]


Shops, videos, all that kind of stuff

I like my local shops, but just occasionally the sometimes amateurish nature of small (and not-so-small) businesses gets me down. Yesterday for instance, I noticed in Safeway that some of the cartons of milk they had for sale expired last Monday. Milk that’s almost a week past its expiry date is not excessively healthy in  ... [More]


Father’s Day

Well, I had a great Father’s Day. I got given a card, plus a "cup of tea kit", comprising of a tea bag, sachet of milk and sugar cube, in a paper tea pot made in Isaac’s art class. Plus a gift he chose from the school Fathers’ Day stall last week, a little car  ... [More]


It’s a long way to the shop…

On Thursday night I went to Isaac’s school concert. It’s easy to think that primary school concerts might be drab affairs, a bit like the non-dream-sequence bit of the old Simpsons "Bartman" music video, and with nobody really interested in any of the acts except the ones their children were in. This wasn’t really like  ... [More]

General Travel

31 today, 31 today

I think Jeremy enjoyed the snow just a little bit. Yesterday I took the kids to the snow at Mount Donna Buang, which was a heckuva lot of fun. Toboggan rides, building a snowman, throwing snowballs… great stuff. We all got wet of course, but great fun. Today I turned 31. Most of my recent  ... [More]

books Travel


Went to see the keynote address of the Melbourne Writers’ Festival last night, given by Bill Bryson. The man is hilarious. It made a great end to the working week to laugh my arse off at his speech. I’m getting an urge to read all his books again, and to check my collection to make  ... [More]

Home life Working life

My day (inexcruciating detail)

6:15am. I don’t normally get up this early, but today I have to be into work early. I don’t think the newspaper has even hit the driveway yet. Chowing down Weetbix. Is it natural to be up this early? Doesn’t seem like it. 6:38am. Better go take a shower I suppose. It’s still dark outside.  ... [More]



Ahhh… cooking a beef steak, piled over with capsicum and mushrooms and tomatoes and stuff… and boogying in the kitchen to Moby… does life get better than this?