

Given the closing scenes of Guest House Paradiso, it’s a tad ironic that I was feeling pretty queasy overnight. I found it difficult to sleep, and when the alarm woke me at 7am (summer time), I got up for a few minutes, then thought bugger it, and went back to bed for an hour. I  ... [More]

Consumerism Film

This boy needs therapy

Guest House Paradiso 5:45pm. I have just returned home, my pockets bulging and my arms stretching from the weight of, in no particular order: 2 litres of Apple/Blackcurrant juice 2 litres of milk 2 potatoes of the ilk that the supermarket describes as "Nadine" – one moderately large, and one absolutely fucking enormous – as  ... [More]



Summer must be coming. I just kersplatted my first blowfly for the season. It had been buzzing around the house all evening. Finally, as I was reading a magazine in the kitchen, it landed. It was so big it may have even made an audible thump when it did so. Without moving too much to  ... [More]



Unusually for me, I had two dreams last night (I normally can’t remember any). One was that much of the continental United States had been wiped out overnight by nuclear attacks. The other was that I’d left my car overnight with the keys in the ignition and the engine running! 11pm. Don’t you hate it  ... [More]

News and events

Dropped wallet

A rumour on the grapevine. Apparently my dad’s cousin Fay in England heard from a friend of a friend that she was walking down the street and an Arab man dropped his wallet up ahead. Stop me if you’ve heard this. She ran after him and gave him back the wallet. Stop me if you’ve  ... [More]


I’m not turning into my parents. Yet.

I like most of my mum’s tastes in music. And I like my mum – in fact I like both my parents. But sometimes it’s comforting to know that I don’t have identical tastes to them, and that I’m not turning into them just yet. Last week I lent my mum and her partner a  ... [More]



Oh dear, my cynicism towards politics is really showing this week, isn’t it.



Have you ever played the "work out what this advertisement is for" game? It’s where you have to work out what an unfamiliar ad is advertising, before it becomes blindingly obvious. I’ve been playing it a bit recently, because I don’t watch a great deal of commercial television. But now it’s moved to another medium.  ... [More]



I just gave Ian a lift to the airport. It’s obvious that since the September 11th attacks in the US, airport security has been beefed up. There are signs all along the driveway telling you not to leave your car unattended, for instance. Well there’s another interesting sign, part of a long-running advertising campaign with  ... [More]


New hobby

Anybody out there looking for a new hobby? Josh put me onto this a while ago: the EPA have a form with which you can dob in slobs who throw rubbish out of their cars while driving. You fill in the form with the car details and send it to them, they send out a  ... [More]


Almost summer

October already? Where has the year gone? The weather was glorious over the weekend. Suddenly it feels like summer is here, even though it’s only peaked at around 28°C. Enough for my English mate who is visiting to be sweating like a pig. Myself, I’ve been roaming around in shorts half the time. I was  ... [More]


I’m collecting

The fish have survived to live another day. Just now I went out and started my charity collecting. Definitely not something I’m used to. I’ve only done a few houses so far. One person wasn’t home, two people didn’t want to donate, the local vicar put in $5 (thanks Nigel), and an old dear found  ... [More]