

Nothing much happening at the moment, and I’m struggling somewhat to think of anything interesting to write in this diary thing. I mean sure, I could write about what I’ve been up to, but given that it was all so dull, would anybody be the slightest bit interested? I doubt it. I did realise over  ... [More]



The book I went to see Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone last night. Great movie, very enjoyable. Of the people I went with – some who had read the book, some who hadn’t – all of them seemed to like it a lot. I had arranged it all, e-mailing around a few friends last  ... [More]



Letter in The Age, Thursday 29/11/2001. I feel a bit stuffed. Last night I was over at Josh’s place, watching the first double episode of the new Star Trek – Enterprise – The Generation After Voyager, over a few beers. Before we got started, there was also a side-splitting conversation with Josh’s mate Pete, about  ... [More]


The art of computer repair

They say that computer programming can be more of an art than a science, and that might well be true. In fact, dealing with computers sometimes seems like an art – a black art to be precise. There are times when they appear not to follow any kind of logic whatsoever, just the opposite you’d  ... [More]

Melbourne Net


  – The Age, Green Guide, Thu 22/11/2001 (Thanks Gerald) I felt bloated after dinner – I probably ate too much. So I went for an evening walk. The weather was gorgeous, the sun was just going down, and I told an angry dog in a garden to fuck off. Felt much better after that.


Early morning shower

I woke up at 4:15 to try and catch the Leonid meteor shower. Judging from reports in the paper, it promised to be a truly spectacular display, with hundreds of meteors streaking across the sky. In fact, judging from reports this morning, it was. Just a shame that from where I was, there was a  ... [More]



Last night I thought I’d go see Lantana. All day I had kept hearing people say it’s really good. I’d had lunch with Mike, and he said he’d seen it and that it was probably the best Australian film he’s ever seen. After lunch I went to buy the soundtrack (because I’d heard it’s really  ... [More]



I had a dream last night. It’s reasonably rare that I remember them, so I thought I’d document this one: I had gone over to Elizabeth Street, something to do with my shoes, perhaps getting them fixed? It didn’t happen, but I was heading back to work on Exhibition Street. I saw a tram coming,  ... [More]


What more do you want? Blood?

I feel a bit drained today. Must be because I gave blood last night. Boom boom. It had been years since I’d given blood. The Blood Bank‘s hours aren’t exactly convenient for me. Then I happened to hear that the mobile blood bank would be paying a visit to my neck of the woods, so  ... [More]


The true nature of the universe

Naturally I lost all my money in the Cup. It’s what usually happens. In fact, if I could bet that I’d lose all my money, I’d clean up! Just encountered a bloke at the supermarket who had abandoned his two small baskets full of groceries at the checkout and gone off somewhere. I took his  ... [More]



Synergy. Alliances. Leveraging. Wanky terms, certainly. But powerful tools in today’s competitive environment. Well, so the marketing people with pony-tails and silly names tell us. What am I on about? Well, this web site, like many others, has a links page. On it you can find references to various other related sites, something which has  ... [More]


My week

Paul Kelly at the Corner After almost a week of crap weather, the sun came out again on the weekend. My health seems to have reflected the weather – last week I had a cold, and for a couple of days there felt pretty crappy. By the weekend I felt better again. On Thursday night  ... [More]